Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free Keep your eyes open. We have fought with many people so far. But these are slightly different. Some of them are thieves, some are murderers. Some of them even slaughtered their parents. They don’t care about anyone. These people have not seen you yet, my prince.

Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle
He who kills his parents Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free will not recognize anyone. We need to be careful. They only have their identity. Our work They have to be stopped. We will do what is necessary. Jericho Jericho. I won’t let you do that Hold on, Jerkootai Jerkootai, Jerkootai come here If this lady catches me, she will make me miserable.
uncle Coward, come here, come What will Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free Usman say if he sees you? My name is Jerkutoi, I am not afraid of anything Do you know Usman? I want to meet them Usman sir, yes? There is no one here who does not know about them But be careful Osman Sahib is a very angry man.
Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle
If you have to speak in front of them, choose Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free your words wisely not so… I had never heard of them before Of course, you haven’t heard Because anyone who offends them doesn’t live to tell anyone Protect your head Come on, you have to go for circumcision, come on Take it away, sister Jericho Let me go Leave me Leave me I will not be circumcised Lady Fatima.
You will go to Usman when the time is right Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free This is the talisman of Jerkootai What you have to give them We are ready for the ceremony, my lord There is a feast in the yard. We have completed all the work. Has fed the hungry and tried to meet everyone’s needs Mashallah Mashallah Everyone is very happy to hear that you will join them in this event. As they were all waiting for this news.

We wanted to make people happy with victories, Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free but… Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. Let’s attend the event and add to their happiness. If I was not here, you would have presided over this function. And I hope you never let them feel my absence But how can I make up for you, my lord?
how it is possible? You are my lady How many Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free sacrifices have you made so far? It is impossible to count them. You are the mother not only of my children but of the entire Kai clan God bless you When I married you, I knew that. I was the daughter of a chief.
And now I am the wife of Usman who will establish Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free a great state I will bear all the difficulties on this path. And this will continue till my last breath. Yes, that’s why Wherever I go, I will never be disturbed. Soldiers, we are under attack, get ready Be smart Allahu Akbar He fights bravely.
Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free
We have faced many brave people like him. I know Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free how to beg for my life from him. Ask for mercy Not before dying Who are you? And what do you want? I want to meet your chief. We have no leader. All are equal. Tell me your name I am the son of Usman I am Orhan Sahib So you are the son of Uthman Your rank You are not allowed to enter our door.
Sons of Uthman What do I have to do to enter? Tell Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free me about it First of all You will have to leave the robe and sword of kingship. After that you can go through this door. Sons of Uthman Are you telling the person you attacked a moment ago to put down his sword?
If you are alive despite the blood flowing. Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free So your soul is a trust with us son of Usman. You drop your sword Then we will hear your problem. Leave me alone, I will not be circumcised. I will not circumcise We have tricked him, I don’t want to be circumcised.

Run and save yourselves, they will sacrifice us Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free. attention Othman Sahib Hello And peace be upon you Save me, my lord Let’s go to Jericho Dear Jerkotoy my son No need to be afraid. I will be your protector. I’m not afraid of anything, sir I am waiting for my Baba. I don’t want to be circumcised before my Baba comes. Well, that’s the case. If so.
listen to me should we Postpone your circumcision Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free until your sage comes? Yes, my lord? Yes look at me Brave son Long live Usman Long live Usman Long live Usman, may God bless you Long live Usman, may God bless you Come here now We will all take up swords, ride horses, and win victories God willing, my presence But. That we may not stumble as we walk.
Therefore, we will strictly adopt the morals of our Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free Prophet We will not stop. We will not let our sweat dry. If we walk our path with faith Then we will see that our Lord will make our paths bright and wide for us Now tell me Are you ready to walk with me? We are ready, Usman Are you ready to walk with me?
We are ready, Usman Masha Allah Masha Allah Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free I thank Allah for making me a leader of people like you May Allah make you the leader of the whole world, Usman Sahib May God bless you, Usman Long live Usman Thanks Let’s eat now let’s go May our souls rejoice Boran, my lord.
Say something, come on As you command, my Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free lord These are words full of wisdom Thanks be to God who gave us the opportunity to hear this We’ve heard a lot, but we’ve never heard anything like this Boran, my lord.
Tell me, who said these words that were engraved Kurulus Osman Episode 136 With Urdu Subtitle Free in our hearts? No one heard his voice or saw his face, before me He is called Ashiq Yunus, he is one of the disciples of Tabdak Emre Mashallah Mashallah