Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free This love came from the heart of Yunus to his tongue Mashallah Let’s go Fame is a curse Fame is a curse By God this is a disaster Sir, there is a merchant who wishes to see you This Come, before the soul departs, and before the infidel’s dagger is in the neck And before our colleagues get angry with us Kill, Senjaxzler, Kill Kill, kill, kill Sanjakszlar.

Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle
They have no mercy There is no one in the world more powerful than him These swords create havoc in the field And ere the arrow of death strikes you, O people without a flag, strike Kill, kill, kill Now tell me, son of the chief, how did you reach our hunting ground?Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
I have come to you with an invitation Usman Sahib, the great leader of the Qai tribe, who is the hope for the oppressed and the sword against the oppressor. . They invite you to join the Ghazis who follow them what what As long as we are ghazi? Son of Sardar, you Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free control these matters We have gold, money Tell us what your father will give us? Unless there is a spirit of victory What is the point of taking spoils?
Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle
Is there anything more to Ghazi than the title of winner? Look at those behind me Watch These people have spent their lives in prison Half of them are fugitives The rest are swords They don’t even know how many lives their swords have taken speak up If I try to count. .Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
It will be as black as the hair on my chin The chief’s son has here an army of Bashibozklar It is the stronghold of the flagless Our goal is the booty When victory is not intended Even a sword stained with blood hates its master.Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Sorry look at this His sage gave Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free him warriors to follow him and gave him a horse to ride He hung a sword at his waist and despised those without a flag I I have bled for what I have Son of Sardar, what is your problem with this? Do you think I was born in a palace? I grew up riding a horse on the battlefield If you want to test me So come to Maidan Maidan You are a lucky man
, Orhan Sahib The caravan has entered Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free our hunting ground Let’s see your talent let’s go Trust in Allah and explain the problem Othman Sahib How do I say this? Don’t hesitate, trader tell me Your man who has been missing for a long time Jarkotai I know where he is Jarkotai has been missing since Aznik If you lie, I will cut out your tongue I am telling the truth,
Usman order Choose your words carefully from Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free now on Othman Sahib I trade with Lefke I heard from the commanders that a Turk had been captured at Lefke They have subjected him to all kinds of tortures They tried hard to talk to him But he always said the same thing I will kill you both with my sword hey my brother my brother complete One day he cut off the ear of a leader,
Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
while he was being tortured They put the dagger in his heart and he did not die no My brave has a strong heart This is Jarkutai Jatarkotai Sir allow me I will bring my brother No, wait Well what is it? I got it from a merchant They say it belongs to Jharkotai We will bring Jarkutai I will not leave my brave in their hands If it doesn’t, Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free.

I’ll turn Lefke upside down We had promised a reward of gold to the person who would bring me the news of my hero Give it to him I did not give you this information for the sake of gold, Usman Rather, they have given it to you to make a big trade deal Don’t worry we will.Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
But If your tongue is twisted So know that I will rip that tongue out of your throat Prepare Byendra Bring the gold of Jarkutai It doesn’t matter whether we speak or our swords Which order, sir Remus You will also walk with us There is good news, divorced mother, Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
there is good news Calm down, daughter. Don’t say that suddenly What is the good news? married woman Is it about Jarkotai? Jarkotai, Jarkotai sir is alive I know I know she’s alive, I know she’s alive Thank You, O my Lord Congratulations, Algun,Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
Congratulations Jarkutai, your sage is coming, Your sage is alive Jarkotai is alive My dad is coming? Yes, son Your father is alive I know Jarkotai is alive Lefke Castle.Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free
The border of Banu Qarisi sir Remus has convinced Osman Osman is going to his cage Inform the chiefs It’s time to shoot the arrows Which order, sir Excuse me, sir, but We are going to Lefke We are few in number, may God protect us, what if they lay a trap for us?Kurulus Osman Episode 138 With Urdu Subtitle Free