Ramu Ramu Yes Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost Ramu. Why would he come? It has nothing to do with you. let’s go It is reversed today. Women You are very beautiful mom. you I. Have you come for revenge? no I have come to save your life. At gunpoint? It is interesting.

Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
We will talk about our methods later. Let’s go. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost let’s go let’s go.. I’ve arrived.. We are starting. Look for it. Does this place depend on you, Yuri? White whatever. Are you staring at me? How can I not see, Fiko? You turn red, I swear. While many people were chasing Yaws.
You killed him. A quiet horse kicks a lot, you know. They Ramo Episode 2 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost don’t call you quiet. Let’s not say horse. Or whatever. Does not matter. I have my own rules. The system does not forgive those who betray it. Mashallah Bahadur. I promise the law book.
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
I will personally write your name on the most reputable pages. Write in golden letters. Drink golden water. Good luck. What is the pain in the stomach again? Have you lost a family member? Did you want to cry? Quite the opposite.
I have come to roll. If your loving greeting is over, I Ramo Episode 20 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost want to begin. Ramu, we sent the dead to Russia yesterday. His father Vadim personally came to pick up his son. But while leaving, he made a small request to us. what’s that? He wants your humble head.
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
You know, painful sage we could not forbid. So it is good to take care of yourself these days. What will you do? Which should happen. At the request of the boss, we We will not interfere. Long live Ramu. The man tried to destroy everyone at the table.
Is this how you protect your system? That’s exactly Ramo Episode 5 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost how I protect the system. His father is not his son. There are some delicate balances at the international level. Perfect balance. So we are not in conflict with the power behind Vadim. We want to work.
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
A story of once and never again. Do you remember, Ramu? Oh, there’s a downside. Oh, one more. It doesn’t matter. I don’t have an enemy. Isn’t that so, Jahangir? Yesterday you both tried to impose on me and tried to kill me. It is true? What did you do?
Tell me what you actually did. Stop the nonsense, Ramo Episode 1 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost enough, who are you? You better explain. This disrespect. Killed my best friend Coxal inside. Lying.. Right. Correct information. So you told two. Why should I hide the truth from him? However, if he wants to take revenge, he will take it.
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
This is his job. It has nothing to do with me. If so, there is nothing against the law, Ramu. This should be it. But was he guilty? What is the name of this boy? You can do whatever you want about it. You are right. I did not kill Koksal. Two, by lying. You made it up to kill me.
Your word against mine. Don’t forget your word Ramo Episode 27 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost Jahangir. Now we will understand how valuable your words are. Jehangirbe is your guest. The closet is full. We’ll be here for a while. Come on brother. Will you tell me what is happening now, Heshmat?
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
Your Baba and Ramu. He went to Jahangir, brother. what Why can they do that? Keep calm brother. Koksal Baba will not be harmed. how do you know He is safe in the neighborhood bro. No one can touch it. Important question. Can we trust you now?
Sorry, I’m so confused. I hurt you too, I am sad. canRamo Episode 6 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost you forgive me You have to forgive yourself first. Ours is the easy part. So. What are Baba and Ramu doing? Ramu bhai has a plan. simple But there is a very effective plan.
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
Against your words my words Is that the case Jahangir? Now tell the man I killed. Coxal. Aren’t you dead? I pretended to die, Jahangir. Why? Don’t kill me for that. You are the one who sent me in. Whom they wanted to kill. I know everything. Well done Jahangir.
Me too. What kind of person are you, kiss? Your surprises Ramo Episode 3 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost never end. You two become one, you will weaken me. There is no unity. When Ramu caught my son. I had to come forward. If I don’t come here. He said he will kill my son. Ok but why?
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
To get what is rightfully mine. Jahangir filled their heads with lies. He tried to kill me. He laid a trap for me. He broke the rules. When I came to you as Saraf You said that Jahangir cannot touch you. But he tried to touch her. it is a.. I revealed Vasili’s true face.
When you all retreated to your own corner. With his Ramo Episode 23 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost father’s army. I will fight. You said it yourself the other day. Everyone at this table told me. They owe me. This is two. You will give me what is due to me. Three. What are you talking about, yesterday’s child?
Ramo Episode 28 With Urdu And English Subtitle
This is your period. This is your law. Like in Adana. This is hostility. The marriage will end. If you think that you will become my son-in-law with this jackass mind, then lick your palm.
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You want a canal. Huh no.. He is not. I want what is Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu And English Subtitle Free Of Cost already mine. Sabil. Sable? Sabel Why? I have an account with him that needs to be closed. The reward for what he did. She will see too. you bastard You think I don’t understand?