Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

told you not to come here. He is here. The colonel is here. And he can see you anytime. Maybe Piya, it’s time to end it all, what do you say? You keep him busy, I’ll blow his head off. Colonel finished.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle This This will not work. You can’t kill him like that. Do you understand me? You can’t kill him. The person in front of you is Abraham.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

You may be right. Go and send it, let’s go.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle let’s go drank It was completed Why did you come here? You ruined everything. everything Where would I go? I don’t have a man, my leg is injured. Where would I go? Where do I go to drink? drank drank Go to him. please. please drink drank drank Thanks Good luck. Is today your day off?

Yes it is. I guess it’s not you? Yes, am I understanding correctly? I shouldn’t, but They can’t run the restaurant without me. So something always comes up. We have plenty of time for coffee,Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle don’t we? Of course it is. good Then I’ll leave you, okay? Okay fine. I forgot my phone. Go get it, I’m waiting. Okay fine Get out of here as soon as it’s dark,

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

okay? But, drink, my leg. I said get out of here. Do as I say They’re kicking us out everywhere, Timo. But you know? I know. They fire the big guys. I know I know. Beethoven lived in the attic.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle They drove Napoleon off the island. Think Marx. His wife blew out the door, Marcus What’s more? what There is no more. I know. I know, good.

Did I tell you how Vincent cut his throat? Aa what am I saying? I know. Beautiful Thanks and I’m sorry it happened. It is not necessary. I should have told you before I came.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle But you know ours, it’s not that obvious. And about that job, when are you leaving? to go? Where? abroad abroad? The old general said, “Are you going abroad?”

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

No, there would be confusion or misunderstanding.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle I am here. See you later. No, he just talked. There is a big stone on your slipper. No, I mean stone. Then the bundle’s satin doesn’t, no, grandma was a flannel. Was not silent, he has more knowledge than women. It turns out I don’t know any of them. do you know? Main Shall we eat meat? I’m really hungry.

When I eat fish or something like that, I feel like I’m full, but I’m not. That’s not enough for me, I need to eat meat so let’s eat meat, shall we? Kan, are you listening to me? Of course I’m listening. What did I finally say? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle The slippers I didn’t say slippers, kan. What did I say at the end? Here my mother bought slippers as dowry.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

Kublai went and placed a stone. You said such a thing. So let’s eat meat, shall we? what do you say You always do that, you never listen to me. You are never here, you always have other things on your mind. Well,Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle I don’t like it either, it’s a bundle, it’s satin. Crowned slippers or something But I love it because it’s about us. But you don’t belong at all.

What, should we eat meat? Let’s eat, Kan. We came. at last. I am very hungry. You decided. I will eat salad. Well, I’ll eat that too. than me. I call, will you see? I’m hungry dear. Mee too.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Take this, sir. How’s the salad? There is a problem. He is difficult. There is no cure for it, Bairam Baba. Come on Commander.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

Or the commander What did you mean by this internal wound? It’s an internal wound, forget it. My apologies, Commander. I think you are too quick to resign. It had to happen, it happened,Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle it doesn’t matter Captain, we are going to the army camp. Or the commander See, we worked with you for three years in Nusaybin. Good or bad, I know you.

Or you can’t do anything without a uniform. No, Commander. You can’t do anything without a uniform. Bairam Baba, what was going to happen happened. And thank God that our hands and feet are fine.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Get a job, you will earn your bread. Anyway, forget it. Tell me about what son and sister-in-law are doing. Will you stay in Ankara sir?

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

Restless Goksh and my son are in army house. We have placed the items in storage for now. Looks like we’re here for a while. No, I mean come and stay with us. Both sister-in-law and child.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle If you are more comfortable then you don’t accept it. What shall I say to you, Commander? Look, for God’s sake, if you need anything. Look, just tell me, okay?

Look, I took the name of Allah. Well, don’t worry. May Allah be pleased with you, thank you. Commander, give it to me. Take it slow, I swear I will wash you. How many are Baba Erinlar?Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle This is our gift to you. My son is also a soldier, if he is lucky he has 48 days left. Is that possible? May Allah help you Commander. Thanks.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

Thank you, uncle, may God be pleased with you. Best wishes for the baby too. Thanks When such incidents occur. Something fell in my throat Then it doesn’t go bro. Bairam baba,Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle it took a lot of trouble for you too, thank you. What do you mean sir? Get well soon, take care. Be careful – thanks By God, Commander Commander Always be a soldier.

Nephew, say hello to Bairam Baba. Uruk I swear, Uruk believed. But Kan Bozok will come to you. I know this too. Sir let them keep it like that. Thank you thank you I was hungry, by Allah.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Now real. while talking I also want to say, after all, we are such civilized people. What about civilized people or something. But I this. So many I am fixing your problems.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

You know, I think you should write it in some corner of your mind. You are right my dear. you are right So after all, it’s there now, right? We need to be a little more careful. Is that good, henna? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle what Where have you been looking for an hour? I’m looking at the waiter, my eyes are looking for the waiter, water. Will see here. Didn’t hear, John, he was away.

How well you were talking, telling, tell a little more. What is beautiful? Well, you usually get very angry when I bring up things like this. Does your hair stand up or something? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle You make such valid reasons. you say something What’s up, are you okay? Kan, you don’t take your ring off, do you? Sardar Huh? Get up sir. Sardar get up my brother.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

My brother, Sardar. Get up quickly. Why don’t I take it out? Well, because it fits. It looks beautiful, see Does it not stop? It is my most natural right as a mother. Actually, she is cooking. Oh,Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle he’ll eat his fingers. You don’t feel hungry when you’re around. He makes one, she makes another, he opens the pie, she dries the pickle. It is delicious.

-Hahaha! Okay fine She makes real food, she cooks well. You erase your mother’s memory like this with a pen, erase me. let’s go ! Mom what did I tell you now? Be silent, be silent, you ungrateful one Is he ungrateful? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle – You ungrateful cat You were saying just the other day, Mom, how good you cook. How delicious your hands are, you are a brilliant cook You were following me.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

Yes, the girl should come, so the sailor’s shoes can be thrown on the roof. Mom, is it okay? I didn’t mean to say such a thing to you. You asked whether she makes it or not, she makes it or doesn’t she make it? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Ah, I’ll throw away that pickle. I don’t want to make pickles where I am not loved Why am I making pickles anyway? I’ll throw it out, all of it.

I will throw it all away. I will eat you. I will eat you. I will eat you. What are you mother and son talking about here? look at me I’m just throwing myself out the window. If someone asks, he will say that his mother threw him, right? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Whoa, shut up! Mom, why are you putting this pickle? tell me Ah ah, I’m unlucky, unlucky, I’m so unlucky. ah what are you saying keep silent! Look,

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

I’ll take the slippers now. It is not clear what you will do tomorrow or the day after. You will come to me “Oh mother, my mother-in-law “She cooks well,” you’ll tell me. Ah, no mother-in-law either.


Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Sadly, Sardar’s mother passed away. Why are you standing here? Look, there is a pile of iron, ah! Make them a little, and do a little work.


Look Sivam’s daughter, oh what is her bride doing she doesn’t iron. Are they doing everything? I am unhappy, Sailor, very unhappy. Thank God, my brother did not hear how you brought the matter to Sardar.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle I ‘m coming, mom. Abe, bozok Babalar, we have no hand. Oh, in a hurry, Hyder Bey You mean before the crow eats (beep),

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

lady. Your eyes looked different yesterday, different today. Are you familiar with it? No, I swear I’m not aware of it, but There is something I don’t understand.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle It’s been years for you How do you see this form, look, look, swear look, drink tea. Besides, what will I take care of myself? My job is to take care of you, I will take care of you.

Wait, I’m covered in foam, what will happen? Now it has started. Friend, must all ears in this world be like this? A lemon will be squeezed in the conversation.Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle don’t scream we became are you sure Come to your senses. Not a good idea. Lieutenant, it’s not an idea anyway, it’s an order. Say I’m sick or something.

Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle

shut up But I’m not comfortable at all, I swear I’m not. Krishat, if you say one more word. Lieutenant, the grenades are here. Magazine, here’s your knife. Yes, I will take them anyway. Did you find a grenade? Savasci Warrior Episode 26 With Urdu Subtitle Here. how much did you get I have to get some. what are you looking at? They are coming, Commander. who is coming Copos.

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