Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

He’s talking about the copose colonel. who sir Sword team. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle The lieutenant could not bear it either, and she joined them. And the mail of Copoz. That strange boy from Mardin. He asks the same question on the pretext of giving tea. Where is the copose colonel? When will he come back? And what will happen now?

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

He is not wrong sir. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle I know, I know, I know There are rules that I have to follow. I can’t get out of it. The men wounded us many times with a single blow. They are testing our humanity. Copoz, to save a young boy with a bomb around his neck His whole career ruined. Will you do that? you will will i do i would Copoz did it too.

Now that’s the real question those kids are asking. What was the crime of Copoz Colonel? His humanity? Leadership? Bravery or sacrifice? Maybe all at once. Interestingly, they would ask me this question too. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle And I don’t have a single answer to give. Has Kagan talked to the captain? Maybe he knows something.

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

No, he also ran after the commander. He knows nothing. I don’t think anyone knows anyway. Is it certain now? Has he resigned? I have not received any letter. But this is what happened in the Chief of Staff. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Colonel Copoz has tendered his resignation. After taking Erin, I swear it passed me by. I said, let’s kiss your hands.

But we’re back Along with the kiss, Kopoz Baba’s hand broke. Should I have stayed with Copoz Ba Ba? Either I did, should I stay with him, or I don’t know. What does it have to do with you, Bairam Bhai? Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Don’t say that sir You are making excuses for no purpose. The problem is neither yours nor your child’s. That’s the problem (beep)!

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

Sorry, Lieutenant That’s right, sir, no But really. Is it for God, my commander, huh? Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle The new colonel is due to be completed this afternoon, Commander. Copoz would be very unpleasant without sage. tell me What if the meeting is mine and we say the way is clear? But it is very difficult sir. That’s not the worst thing, gentlemen.

The worst part is that the Kopos kernel has no security. If we’re going to worry about it, I think we should. When you say safety of life, Commander? Homes were attacked, Emre. He got threats, he got away with murder .Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle And again and again. Now let’s think about it. A retired colonel. No protection. No different from an ordinary citizen.

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

So what needs to be considered before the new commander? Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle There are other things. This is the life of a copose colonel. That’s fine, that’s fine too Is that ok sir? God God! You gave a (beep). Just because you got a baby in return? What if something happens to the man? Who is responsible for this? It’s a shame, it’s a sin. Yeah, I’m not there.

If there’s no Copose Colonel, I don’t exist, I tell you. I already came here with his phone. I was working in the boiler room when he called me. He said come to me, he said we need you, I came I will go, I tell you. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle there is no such thing. Me, I don’t even understand Kat. Eren Karabulut’s 10-months-old baby was kidnapped. What we understand from the statements, kidnappers ask for a lot of money.

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

Karabulut accepts the amount. They tell him to go to a warehouse in Silivri and he goes to Silivri for the exchange. Who was the kidnapper, Captain? We don’t know. And I don’t think the Karabuluts knew. Neither Eren. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle He brings the money. He must have known that it was a trap, a set up, but it was his baby boy, after all. There were six bullet on the body.

Three to the chest, two to the neck, and one to the head. He dies instantly. What about the baby? What happens next is very interesting. The cops arrive at the crime scene. They find the baby in the back. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle There were no money, Eren was dead and they left the baby behind. What’s interesting is that the baby found in the car, was not Eren’s.

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

-What do you mean? -They switched Eren’s baby with another baby. Hümeyra Karabulut goes to the station. Eren’s wife. Takes the baby and doesn’t say a word. She doesn’t object, takes the baby as his own. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Did they find his real son? No. We still don’t know where he is. The case was closed. I think there was more to it than Eren Karabulut’s murder.

Think about it. You take a baby from some poor person and give him to Hümeyra Karabulut. God knows that they left her real son in the slum. What you’re saying is that you’re the destiny. “Me. I will write it. We’ll start over.” Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Your husband is dead, your baby is lost, and you’re holding a stranger’s baby. What can I say? Why did she take that baby?

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

I don’t know. She just took it. Maybe the baby was her husband’s. She doesn’t tell the cops, takes the kid in. Maybe she wanted to control her own destiny. Or she didn’t want it to took it from the innocent baby. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Hümeyra Karabulut, runs a football field nowadays. She didn’t marry again. She gets away from all that and brings up the kid that left to her.

Why have this case opened again? Why are we talking about it 25 years later? Why are we here? This is why. They sent this to the prison. Who is in the prison? The baby found in the car. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle The baby left to Hümeyra Karabulut. Aka Kaan Karabulut. He was sentenced five years for burglary and serving his time without a problem. And they sent him this.

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

For him to watch, to know. Put it. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle They sent this to him, but we are the ones that they want to show it. They know that we will watch it before the kid. They are saying “Look at what happened 25 years ago? Or did you forget?” They called me, I went there and watch it. I decided there and then. I wanted the kid to watch it, too. Kaan Karabulut watched it.

They recorded everything. 25 years ago. Who recorded it? Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle It can’t be the murderers. We don’t know. Let’s watch it first. We’ll talk about that later. Now the interesting part starts. Whoever sent the tape, they are identifying the murderers. One of the murderers is Ercan Saner, also known as Kavak. And the other is İskender Akay. Who recorded it?

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

It can’t be the murderers. We don’t know. Let’s watch it first. We’ll talk about that later. Now the interesting part starts. Whoever sent the tape, they are identifying the murderers. One of the murderers is Ercan Saner, also known as Kavak. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle And the other is İskender Akay. These two murderers were taking orders from İlhan Tepeli. Ercan Saner is in the middle.

The one wearing a tie. He died from cancer last year. At least that’s what is says on the death certificate. The one beside him is İskender Akay. He was working with İlhan Tepeli, but went separate ways. İskender has his own thing now. They are not exactly friends anymore. More like rivals. Whoever sent the tape, maybe isn’t aware of Ercan Saner’s death.

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

Maybe, but he’s giving us the murderers with their addresses after all those years. Who is he? And who is benefiting from this revenge? That’s the question we must answer. We don’t see the kid being put into the car in the footage. Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle Yes. They didn’t want Kaan to know that much. Or maybe they don’t know. So, they aren’t saying Kaan,

“You’re someone else’s kid.” No. They just want him to know the killers, so that he takes revenge when he gets out. -Kaan doesn’t know, right? -No. What about the mother, Hümeyra? Does she know what we know? Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle I believe she knows. But we need to keep this as a secret until we can. Alright, why did they want us to know all these?

Savasci Warrior Episode 20 With Urdu Subtitle

They want us to investigate Tepeli. They know that we are after him. Who knows, Bahar? Who knows we are after him? Who knows we are after the Circle? This is an undercover assignment. There are just seven people. It doesn’t matter if we take İlhan Tepeli in or not. I’m not just after him. I’m after who is above him, I’m after the Circle.

I can’t let İlham Tepeli get away with just solicitation. What do we do now? I will talk to you? My boss is inside. What’s in it for me? What? I want turnip juice. Hot. Turnip? I drank it only once. I am not really fond of it. But I wanted it on the way here. I thought, “If I have a visitor, they might as well get me a turnip juice. And a dürüm with it. Bon appetite. Do you want a bite? No.

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