Historical Article Osman Ghazi Episode 2

Osman Ghazi Episode 2 In English & Urdu This Is A Historical Articles Series Real History Of Ottoman Empire In English Only On PakUrdu.com

I am Usman B. to reach my goal. Didn’t want to waste time. He only besieged Bilecik. After the fall of this city, I connect with Karachi Yenişehir and then its lake, and these victories are now part of the Ottoman Empire. It is a state, not a state. There was a hint but we actually respond to these attacks. Ottoman Byzantine Empire as it passes through its territory. An intense war with Venice is not capable of defending the lost lands in the Vanish Navy in Byzantine Anatolia.

Then it got bigger and already big goals have been invested. I am Usman Bey’s next target. Iznik would be this Iznik is Byzantine Anatolia. It was one of the most important settlements of the Seljuqs. This city was the capital of the First Crusade. In the middle of the two hundred years he was involved during the campaign of the Byzantine lands.

Then Uthman B. to re-enter the Turkish dominions. Osmanbay wanted with his soldiers. The army has catapults in front of the city walls. There were no siege weapons. Sit down the Turks. They only came with their horses. The soldier slowly turned around the city. Start besieging cities that need to be catapults.

Read Historical Article Osman Ghazi Episode 2

A rasa of a body between the limbsWe can think of the Osmanbey Eznik blockade as a blood vessel. Lowered the entrance of the city’s people and barred the exit between the walls. The scars of the shield stuck from hunger and famine let us find that it would wait for surrender. And this amazing pregnant Byzantine guard caught Andronikos on a stick when he was less than gathering information about the siege of Izmit for Leon,

the commander of the palace guard. He had no army to send. And even about the development of the region. Have less knowledge? So buy a banana she will bring. This information was later against Usman Bey. Snow was crucial to his moves. His family, an important part of Byzantine history, holds the tenth position with the same shoulders as his ancestors. achieved great success and at least the emperor could afford one soldier. Sara,
one of the important titles had risen to the position of Commander of the Guards.

And the Byzantine commander and his soldiers besieging the city from Istanbul would it take two days to get there, Ceylon Osman? Bey’s men crowd around the castle. Look outside, the bird inside he could guess they were buying a kite. So don’t go too close to the city.

It will rain without revealing itself. The maximum that can be obtained by observation.
Will return to the palace with knowledge. And one of the key elements of intelligence strategy determination in Byzantium was to have enough knowledge before modifying military operations with the consent of the emperors.

They were to become Osman’s brain power. And put themselves in danger without knowing their plans. They didn’t want to dump the army. They will either collect the Turks. They will get bored and wait for you to back off. di I can only tell what happened in Iznik. After knowing that it is over. They could give it to the Ottomans for them.

A closed-box satellite and a Byzantine military shower overlooking the city in a remote location Are all the men in this hall Turks? They were following your movement step by step. A few days in the region without this attraction they spent it this follower of Osman B. Akansi your troops until you notice them a o Musa Eroglu about the return to Istanbul with the knowledge gained but here it is of this picture.

It will not be easy. Once you don’t like it we come back with knowledge these Ottoman dates are Byzantine. Running against his soldiers There were men in this hall when it began. Ordered them to defend themselves. Against these soldiers, against these soldiers he knows he has no charge. And this hall is the people he left to die. He returns to Istanbul, leaving a handful of men behind,

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but the Android House is curious about him, awaiting news of the future. And this hall has come face to face with death. Whoever asks can save his life by running away. Mi Shti, the commander of the palace guards, threatened to fall into the hands of Ottoman troops even if he stayed, was able to provide the necessary intelligence and Byzantium drew two conclusions from this incident. But they had plenty of time.

They did not have enough soldiers. But android Kosmose ordered them to solve the soldier problem as soon as possible. When these Byzantines opened their mouths. They knew what could be bought. If they need an army.

Soldiers were always open to offers. It originated from the nomadic Scythians. Thanks to their military prowess, they deserve all the gold. Medical professionals who have given their evidence. Byzantium is increasing its presence in these areas. However, this will not accelerate the boson. It will reach enough numbers and give up.

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