Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle Free

But your father Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle did not leave these documents for you without any reason. If only he had prepared it for himself You could not find those documents or that letter. He wanted the same. Take a look at the people around you. Who could he trust? and U. what am i what you want? I told you. You only gave your opinion based on my Baba’s feelings. I am asking what you want.

Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

I want you to stop. are you Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle serious yes stay So where do we start? We’re breaking down Essen’s game. First we are going to Sardar. Shares are redeemed using these documents. Then Then? We will think about that later. Especially if you get over it. I wish I had heard these things from you, Baba. You are right son. Every minute I knew you were there,

I thought about it and blamed myself. Look dad, please don’t get me wrong. I know you did it because you protect my father and your family. Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle But understand me now. I am not a child, I have grown up. You don’t have to protect this family alone. You don’t have to carry this burden alone. Behold, you said, I am the Father.

Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

When you become a father When it comes to your family, there is no logic left? What do you think son? We have known each other for a long Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle time, Baba. Believe me, I learned to respect you before I loved you. Please let me be with you. Please let me love the person I respect so much. You know what I realized when I was there?

I am not Murat Bay sitting on the chair of the presidency. I want my father. Son of promise promise Oh! Father son, you are very cute. Leave it to Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle me too. I’m getting angry. How nice we are together again like the old days. May Allah not separate us from each other. Amen. Ok, enough of this sentimentality now I’m ordering. Ah now I remember.

Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Won’t Gokchi come to this dinner? We have taken all precautions. Come on, ask him to come. Well now I don’t know. Come on tell me. Then I call. Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle Hello. Gokuchi, how are you? I’m fine Yags. I was very worried for you. It’s over, I’m saved. do not worry. I heard , how are you now? Thank God I am fine. do not worry. I was going to ask something.

did you eat No, I’m going home now. We were going to eat, you, me, our. We are in the restaurant now. You come, I will like it very much. But now you With your family. Come on please don’t break me? Okay, I’ll come soon. Well we are waiting. We are Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle here Begum, we are at the back door. Give me ten more seconds. Ok I turned off the cameras. We are entering.

Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Be easy. We are at the door. The alarm went off. We are in, Begum. We entered the heart of Erman Bay. Here are the CDs. Don’t take what’s out there. Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle It should be in a locked safe, cabinet or drawer. There is a safe Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle here. We will find a safe. We have found the treasure Begum. Congratulations Our man Mahmoudov? Of course, don’t exit the computer before it’s done.

I opened the computer. Has it come to that? Just arrived. Plug in the memory. OK, the screen is gone. Well you take the memory and get out. It is Ramo Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle one of the consulate buildings. You will stay here until you find a new place. I want full protection reporting slight movement. good sir How would you like your coffee sir? Have some sugar for me.

Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Murat sir, it is quite forbidden. Besides, after all this stress, I want to go to bed early tonight. Shall we get up? You are right. Gokchi. Good Night. sir Ramo Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle Gokchi. Mother.. Dad So can we have coffee? Okay fine. Sorry, two medium Turkish coffees for us, please. Absolutely. Did you forget? There are many things that I still haven’t forgotten. Huh, for example?

For example, I haven’t forgotten the donkey work I did. I have not forgotten that night when I couldn’t look into your eyes and ask you to come Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle with me. I will never forget the day I couldn’t call just because you Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle didn’t call. Gokchi. Does it make any sense to say these things now? Or if it means something to you, no , but I am very sorry.. I am sorry like a donkey.

Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

I am very sorry Real After being kidnapped, you became emotional. When a person starts worrying about his life. Then what is the value of themselves? Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle And, of course, wish. I wish I had said that. I wish I did that. I wish I could look into your eyes and tell you to come with me. However, one shouldn’t think about these things for fear of dying alone, right?

We had a lot of chances, Yags I waited a long time for you to talk to me. I waited a long time for you to share your feelings with me. You will never forgive me. Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle I need some time. Let the wounds you opened earlier heal. Give me the strength to go back to the beginning and start over.




Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Maybe later. my son Dad My baby. thanks .. Ramo Episode 20 With English And Urdu Subtitle May Allah bless you Murat Sahib. You gave me the world. I wish you had notified me earlier so you wouldn’t be so far away. They threatened us, we were very scared. Well, it’s all over now.

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