Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle Free

Don’t be crazy, Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle what to put? That CD is our future. Energy Tenders. If we shift it to lower energy. That means we’re around the corner. Well, then we’re going to set up that big studio you promised me, aren’t we? Don’t rush Armaan.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

Don’t miss the scale knock. Before Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle Ander energy that Esen wants. And Mr. Yeldrey He wants everything to reach Essen completely. Let’s solve this After that, it’s your turn What about the girl? Ander’s daughter? I can make something for him if he wants, huh?

no. I will take care of it. Essen has made Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle the necessary effort. Do not believe. I will do what is necessary. Well then, allow me. look at me Nothing wrong with this CD. If something happens, don’t stay here. Or Get a gun, shoot yourself.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

I know my job, Mr. Barroll. He’s a solid guy, you know. It was clear that Essen would trust Yldre and strive for greater things. By kidnapping the Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle child of an official of Azerbaijan. By arranging assembly documents for others They will turn the energy industry upside down. Thus, they will largely dominate the energy tenders. Ender Energy is perfect for this task.

Essen took on Ender Energy. But she wants to kill two birds with one stone and grab possession. She knows that Yeldrey won’t force her to eat the Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle whole energy cake. This woman will also pass through Yeldrei. Yags will not pass. If it gets to this point, we say stop. Where do we start sir? Hamza and Ibrahim, talk to this brave man.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

Let’s see where they are keeping the baby. Understood We need to convince Duro Gumish and end the dream of holding Essen. I have that job, sir. Then I am taking the Azari child into rescue operation. Yes, you have a job to save the baby, Yags.

What about montage recording? Leave it to me If there’s a recording installed in between , it’s clear where it is. I will take care of it with Ahmed, Sanan and Begum. Ibrahim The final step on inspiration is your job. After dealing the first blow to Duro Gumsh, you will remove the debris.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

Yes. I said Begum. Begum will you come to my room By the way, Asif is still missing. Asif will surely come before us from somewhere. His turn will come too, sir. come on Yes sir Inform Gokchi, Begum Yildire to end the operation as soon as possible.

We need his information. Sir, but Kokchi. Wasn’t she? You knew that, didn’t you? Begum, don’t do it. It was my decision. Kokchi was investigated. But we could not wipe out such an important factor in one fell swoop. You made him look like he was fired.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

You were found guilty of leaking the news of the wedding raid, Gokchi. And it was decided to disconnect from the organization. Sit down, Gokchi. Now coming to the real issue. What does the real problem mean? After coming here, I also spoke to the Under Secretary. He left it up to me to decide whether this decision was followed or not.

I can’t give up on you. But at first it seemed as if he accepted We will use this decision to our advantage. I don’t understand anything sir. From now on you will use your personal line. We know some people are hearing this line.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

So we’ll play a little game with Essen. Essen will know that I have been fired. And she will probably try to use you for herself. So I’m going to Yags place. This is actually not the case. Your main objective will be to get close to Yeldrei Gorata. If I know Esen, she would want it too. Now that you know everything and have satisfied your curiosity, everyone get back to work.

Stay in touch with each other, friends. I love these happy endings, sir. Let’s go again. Ahh Ahh Slow down, bear. How many times have I told you not to touch this bone. Sorry bro, when you shook your head. Do like a man Look at the door what are you doing son Brothers, they ask. Go ask son. who are you Health Officer, Orthopedist Hamza.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

Delaware Bay Are they free? brother open open Where did you learn to welcome guests with a gun? I just pass by. what’s this? Brother, take care of this friend. How about we have a little chat with Mr. Delaware? Delaware Aren’t you ashamed at all, are you still hanging around with a bodyguard? You are a big man! what you want?

Get married and have good children. I want you to live a dignified life. how is your nose Ok then let me ask you a question how do you know. Where is this kidnapped Azeri child? I don’t know any Azeri kids or anything. Ahh ah ah Okay, but you’re itching.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

What did we say to you? I don’t know, I don’t know how? Where is the Azerbaijani boy? Hemana In Himana, on Balji Street, in an old shanty town. Leave it to Allah. let go ah ah How soon you went, Mr. Delaware Hello. I miss the sound of that phone.

I thought you must have missed my voice. He is different dear. I miss you all one by one. See you soon, we will miss you. I was calling to see if you found the files. Sir, expect you to complete your work there as soon as possible. I was going to say that too.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

Password is not enough I need a ten digit code. Multiple security This will also be according to Yeldrey Gorata. Give me time till tomorrow to check Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitlethe system. Is there anything I can do here? Just touch it and the system sounds an alarm on the slightest mistake.

I will send you another item with the code and I will tell you what needs to be done. You are very good. I know I make great artichokes. Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle That’s why you’re so good. See you later See you. Drop the gun. Drop the gun I’ll shoot the boy. Drop the gun I said don’t come.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

I will shoot. Drop the gun I’ll shoot the boy. Yags, I have a target. Okay, okay, look, stop, calm down. We are leaving the gun. Yags, I have a target. Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle Okay fine? Leave Okay fine Well, look, we’re leaving. We left it, right? ok ok Clear We’re going out, you out. Duran. Not found Asif It didn’t go well. Sometimes not, Raphael.

You know this saying very well. Sometimes it doesn’t. He was my brother. are you telling me The circle around me has become very narrow Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle I am fed up Asif. It’s such a game, Raphael. Wandering between life and death. Beauty is already here.

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

One last mission, Asif. One last chance If we can’t do it, will you stay? And not me. Should I be afraid? I think you should be afraid. Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle I can send you back the way I brought you here. Only the two of us are left, you know? What do you want from me Rafael?



we are going. Where? Another unsafe place? This time we will protect you. And you stop giving account of your old life and stop. You will pay attention to what we do. Forget the past Asif Come today. Do you want to know about my opinion?

Kurulus Osman Episode 120 English And Urdu Subtitle

Can’t I? I think I will do what you want. Then you stay and head the company. But you told me it was too dangerous. I’m not saying it’s not dangerous.

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