Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle Free

For example, Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle the businessman you bought your second factory from six years ago. That you convinced him by burning down his house. Or another man to whom you had to give money. How did you clear your debt by sending him to the mafia? Should I continue, or is that enough? Betty, are you crazy? Nonsense, all of it. You can’t prove it.

Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Evidence And say there is Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle such evidence. You will understand this only in prison. What are you saying? Do not keep your mouth shut in front of a woman. You can’t do it Tour? Daughter, am I not your uncle Sardar? What does it all mean? Chacha has shares in Sardar, Holding and Energy. All these files are closed. You will get nothing. And. Who do you think you are threatening?

If it is closed, it will open. Chief uncle What is needed is done. Yes? sir Gokchi did it. She accesses the information on Yeldrey’s computer. He also sent a copy to my computer. Ok Begum. Well done Gokchi. Thanks Notre Bay. Have a nice day sir. Essen is on the way. She was very eager to grab the shares of the company. I think she is flying.

Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

In fact, I wish you would issue an arrest warrant and let him in. It is very difficult to predict what kind of relationships a woman like Esen has. So I think there is a possibility of escape. Hamza is right. Moreover, I will not feel comfortable until I personally hand him over to the police. Yes? Ms. Essen has entered the parking lot, sir. Okay fine Ms. Eason is coming.

Brother, we have no business here. With your permission we go. Besides, it would not be right for him to meet Essen. Actually, I want to see Esen’s facial expressions. And.. There are some issues I want to discuss with you. Well, you get out. Had the pleasure to meet you. Mee too.. Raphael. Are you going somewhere, Ms. Gokchi? Real. Did you think you could get rid of it so easily?

Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Let’s go. let’s go together.. Sardar Sahib How are you? I am not at all well, Ms. Essen. I am not good enough to regret knowing you. What do you say Sardar sir? What a great deal we have made with you. We will all earn a lot soon , don’t worry. Believe me.. Trust? What are you saying woman? This is the record of my life. What does Sardar sir mean?

Here is the short of it. I transferred all my shares in Underholding to Duro. Is this a joke? No, I just signed the transfer agreement and. I have sent a copy to the stock market. Ms. Essen, you’ll have to take care of yourself from now on. One minute, one minute. one minute. So now you are telling me, he is without feet. Are you saying that Ender Energy owns a majority stake? Huh?

Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

Absolutely. What do you think you are doing? Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. The matter is not going to end here. I think Ms. Essen. Actually, everything is just the beginning. Who are you? Esen Alpacaya. Yes, what is it? You are coming with us. Is this a joke? Yes? What is it, so quick? Anyway, tell the topic. I answer. What is the topic?

Figen Gorata Literally, Ender Gumsh. There is one more. I think you will go this time But you will not return. I don’t understand what you are talking about. And who are you? Let’s make them friends. one minute.. Is this a condition? Please don’t cause trouble. come on sir Tell me Begum. I can’t hear from Gokchi, all lines are closed. from when?

Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

It’s been almost an hour. Intelligence? I don’t understand Hamza. You don’t need to understand. But there is something I want you to know. Now underholding. Ender energy is also yours. From now on you are under state protection. that’s mean.. … all of these… Did everything work? Your coming close to me. Your sincerity Was that all part of it? tour Do not talk..

i loved you When you say let’s be friends. It was enough to have you with me. Holding my hand was enough. Now it is all over. You say that property should be taken from one person and given to another. you made it. We did it. And I lost. Gokchi. The most valuable element of intelligence. I have heard a lot about you.

Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

How nice to see you among us. But you know what doesn’t cross my mind? Stealing a precious person like you. What a shame. See what I’m going to say? You are my dear friend Yeldrei Gorata. wanted to steal files from his computer. Let’s do it this way, let me ask you something. You answer as you wish. How did you reach me? Who are your sources?

what what do you say? You lick your palm. I have no information to give you. So you are saying wait. Yes? Leave! I have a lot of time. I will wait.. what do i say I have some very good methods. All new. Let’s try. We will have a lot of fun. you see you will like me We will be very good friends with you.



Milat Episode 10 With English And Urdu Subtitle

I will come again. Two hours and thirteen minutes ago we lost contact with Gokchi. And now, to Gorata Plaza. According to the testimony of an eyewitness in the parking lot. A woman was kidnapped at gunpoint and put into a black van. They quickly left there. Raphael. Yes sir This man is thirsty for his life. We’re not going to sit here like that, are we? Yes, sir, we have to do something. I’m tracking Mobs, in case we find the last place where the car disappeared.

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