Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Free

“The tree is being cut down at the root!”But,Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle. your uncle because of me. – What happened is gone. Leave. Leave. Let it stay between us. There is no need to know this to anyone else. I think about that night all the time. Who brought her here? What are you doing here? Stop! Stop, Dogan! – What are you doing here? – Shahin, where are you going? Let go! Let go! Let’s figure it out. What is there to understand? What is there to understand? Stop,

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Didn’t dad die because of her? Stop! Stop! Behave yourself! Don’t piss me off! And what will happen if you are pissed off, uncle’s son? AND? What will happen? – Are you protecting her? – Stop! Yes I will … Yes I will … Dogan! Is there anyone! Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Hurry! Is there anyone? Dogan! Arap! Kid! – For God’s sake! – What are you doing here?

– All right, brother. – Brother! Brother, calm down. What’s happening? Who brought her here? Who brought her here? – I brought it, brother! – How did you let her in? I have brought, Brother. I drove Fatosh, took Sibel and brought back. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Brother Rameau asked so. What? Ramo? Ramo asked, right? Yes I will … Stop! Yes, I will … Brother, let go, brother!

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Both step back! Come on! Stay away from her! Where are you, aunt? What will you do? Are you going to kill us for her? What are you going to do, Dogan? Aren’t you ashamed to attack a girl who stands alone? – Aunt! Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle – Shut your mouth! Now, you can disobey me, and I’ll take a look. It’s a shame! It’s a shame! Have you lost yourself that much?

Sorry! It’s a pity for my father! Because of her, my father is in the grave. Listen to me, speak culturally! I will not look at your age, as I crack my lips! Look! Who is standing in front of you? Is that how my brother raised you? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Sorry! And you come with me. Take him away. All right, go away. Everyone, calm down, brother. Come on, Dogan.

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Sit down. Come in here, come in. Sit down. – Would you like some water? Bring? – No. Don’t leave this room until Ramo arrives, okay? When he comes, he will talk and we will decide what to do next. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Why are you sorry? Why are you sorry, Sibel? Because you opened the door? Or because you let the snake Deyhan come in to us?

Why are you sorry, Sibel, why? Is it true what they say? Did you open the tunnel? I didn’t want this to happen. True, she didn’t want to. Do not show yourself anywhere. Rameau. Ramo? Did you say something? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Brother, are you okay? Since you left Yavuz, you have taken water into your mouth. Your thoughts are confused. What’s up, brother?

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

What were you talking about there? He realized that I was chasing Jihangir. And what will happen now? We will reconsider our plans. Mr. Jihangir. Yes, I did. I’m going to the airport. I’m on my way, lord. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle There is one important topic that I need to discuss with you. It has to do with Ramo. The daughter-in-law came. It would have been better if she hadn’t come before Rameau.

Shahin, do not wind it up now. Okay, brother, okay. As if she doesn’t know about it. Mom, welcome. Why didn’t you tell us you were going to the cemetery? Why are you walking alone? I didn’t go alone, Shahin. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle There were neighbors from the area, we walked in a whole crowd. We read the Koran and prayed. What did Hasan tell you? There is nothing.

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Then why was he holding your hand? Come on, mom, let’s go. I’ll tell you what happened. My father’s killer is under this roof. It was under our noses again. What are you talking about, son? Sibel, I say, Sibel! Sibelle has come! Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Where is this snake? Where is this snake? Tell me where is she? – Two minutes could not be silent! – I came without shame!

– Now I will deal with you. – Aunt! – I’ll figure it out. – Aunt Neriman. Where is she? Look at her. Look at her, she is sitting as if nothing had happened! How dare you come here? Hoping for what? Come out, come out, come out, come out, get up. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle – My husband’s body is still warm. – Aunt. Affet, don’t bother, get out of here. – Aunt, for the sake of the Almighty.

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

– Go away! Aunt, for the sake of the Almighty, stop! Hasan, don’t bother me, I won’t forgive you, go away! Neriman, Neriman, don’t be silly. Don’t say anything, especially don’t say anything, that’s enough. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Aunt, do not interfere! Enough, part, who and from whom are you protecting ?! Whatever mom does, it’s her right. Neriman, she doesn’t know anything, she didn’t open the door!

Calm down! She killed your brother! Killed my brother! Instead of interfering with me, you yourself had to tear her to pieces! Come out! Come out! Go away! -You, go away, or else I’ll strangle you! – Aunt. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle – Aunt, that’s enough! – Aunt! What’s happening?! What are you doing? What’s wrong with you? Can you explain, Rameau, what’s happening to us?

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Why did you bring this girl here? Why did you let her into our house ?! Because this is her home too. What are you saying? Are you kidding us ?! Didn’t she let enemies into our home? Didn’t her father die because of her? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle It doesn’t matter to me what you believe, what you think. I know the truth! Sybel is not guilty! It has nothing to do with what happened!

If you want to ask someone, please contact me! Not to my wife! Whoever it is! If any of you disrespect Sibelle, I’ll take it personally! Know this and draw your own conclusions! You shouldn’t go against your family for my sake. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle In the end, we both know I’m not that innocent. We are all sinners. But, your uncle because of me. – What happened is gone.

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Leave. Leave. Let it stay between us. There is no need to know this to anyone else. I think about that night all the time. The night I came to kill you. The words you said were they true? Was I your dream? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle I had many desires that were not destined to come true. Cherished desires. You were one of them. Yes. You were a dream. A pipe dream.

This is my last touch on you, Sibel. Because you were right. We cannot be happy after all the wounds inflicted on each other. I understood. I resigned myself. We have no common future. One hope. Nejo. What’s up, son? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle First, you send a bullet into the barrel. Come on. Come on, come on sonny. Come on. Shoot the same guy. What happened?

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle


Scared? Are you waiting for Boz to come and beat you? If it doesn’t work out, I’ll tell Fatosh. Let her come and shoot. Come on, come on. Do you want Ramo to beat you again? Come on guy. Sibel will become the head of the family? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Come on, come on. Come on, boy, shoot. Shoot already. Nejo. Son, speak up. What happened? Nejo.


What have you done to my son? Don’t interfere, Nesli. Nejo. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Nejo. So. Now let everyone say what they want. I’m listening. As if our word has some meaning. I told you that day, at this place, I told you. She said, if you appreciate me even a little, don’t bring this girl to this house. What have you done? He brought her into the house.

Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle

Did you bring it to your pleasure, Neriman? A contract was signed. We got married. What’s the deal, aunt? We gave three lives. Three lives. There is no contract terminated. What are you saying Dogan? You signed a contract to terminate it? Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle.

Dogan calm down. We talk the same. Uncle’s son, explain, let’s listen. Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Why did Sibelle come? Brother, I also did not say anything outside, so that there was no understanding, but. Is it time now? Not the time. Our grief is still too fresh, we could not wait long. What will it change, Affet?

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