Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download

You are trying Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download to avenge your father. How are you feeling? I feel a little dizzy. Also, I have trouble breathing. I also have a cough. But it is very natural. You lost a lot of blood. Fortunately, your spouse raised the donor just in time. Donor? Did my brother give blood? – Your brother was here today, right?

Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download
Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download

Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle

– Uh huh. No. Not that. Named the river. Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download She was a beautiful woman. [Thriller Music] Is it a river? Uh huh. Do you know? There is a River I know, but it is not. I do not think so. So such auburn is at your age. By the way, my daughter’s name is Nehir. It remained from there in my mind. Is River Khan?

Can you check it out? Let’s look at your file if you want. We had recorded it in case it would be needed again. Yes. Nehir Khanli. Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download You owe your life to him. Did you do? What boy? Bloody wedding dear. Raid. Did you exchange lead for bride and groom? Go to your job. Don’t make it blank. I am very curious. Where are you making up? From my awesome and unique intelligence.

Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle

Didn’t Cihangir bring you for this, my lion? You put a gun to the man’s head. You would have done less even. Fiko. Be smart. Passed. Those things are gone. And now there is a new order. That… … you are the only dinosaur from the ancients. I just do my job now. Sure dear. Of course. After all, aren’t we all that kind of civilized people? Business is different … Hostility is different …

I have eaten. Vallahi Fiko, whether you eat … … don’t eat. The ponytail is unruly. And since you are so sure of what one of this table did … … maybe it’s you, son. He? B … you’re looking for a man to throw. Me? I never do. Whoever knows me knows. I do not call anyone’s chicken winter. I do not take personal revenge. I’ll take care of my work, after all. Hello! What is the reason for this emergency meeting? Ramo. [Thriller Music] She thinks someone has printed her wedding on this table. So he knows that he thinks so. Good. Come. Let him tell.

We also tell what we know. If necessary. What are you gonna tell? Did you break the wedding or set me up last night? Which one will you start with it! Is it true? Should we start much earlier? Like my father’s death. Revenge. It’s not just my own revenge. To a friend too … … we can say I lent a helping hand. Who is this friend? Teasing does not suit us, boss. But…

… everyone at this table … … I can say that he is someone he knows very well. [Thriller Music] Yes. I did. I. I scanned your family, your family. I thought you’d lose more, but … … you were lucky. You tore This one time. Lan! You can’t touch me. It was fine if you didn’t say so. I will kill you. Like you killed Taner? What? What happened, Ramo? Are you going to deny it or not.

He? Boss. Self-nephew’s killer … … I wouldn’t think you would watch this much. Where did that come from? Didn’t your father kill Taner? Look. There is something wrong there. My dad… … He wanted to kill Cihangir. But Ramo and Yavuz … … when he eliminated Taner … … wanted to give them the job. Ramo? Ramo. Tell me something. Ramo! How do you take this word?

Ramo Episode 38 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download

The evidence is there. If you had this in your hand, what did you wait for all this time? Ramo. My father wanted to eliminate Cihangir. To him the murderer of his son … … if I prove that I am not my father … … what profit would I have? But… Now… … seems like I have too much to get. [Thriller Music] I will kill Ramo. For my father. That’s why I stopped. Why the hell? Why is that? Taner was a maniac like his father. He would have killed Sibel if I hadn’t killed him. Guri.

Nobody will go anywhere until I come. Frequent people who move. The right decision, Mazhar. This time you didn’t confuse your feelings. Ramo must die. It will die. He’ll die but after he’s done. You’ll be patient, Mazhar. Ramo has done a lot in a short time. The streets started to calm down little by little. Everyone is afraid of Ramo’s name. Well known.




Order will be very useful for us as a protective. I… I can’t let it stay with him. Do not worry. We do not leave anything done with anyone. This loyalty of you will also be rewarded. Just get my consent first. Ulan Ramo. You were not a mother’s eye too. You killed Cihangir’s son. You locked it on his father.

Vallahi was impressed for the first time. You stop it! [Thriller Music] Take a little example of me, my lion. You will know when to shut up. [Thriller Music] On the occasion of this latest development; Hostility between Ramo and Korkut … … will be over.

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