Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download

So what? Will Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download he stay with what he does? Won’t you kill your nephew’s killer? Are you questioning my decision? What the hell I’m the killer. I’m your nephew. If you’re at this table … …You are mine too. Now shut up. Sit down. Mazhar We need to talk. Nothing to talk about, Ramo.

Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download
Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download

Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle

You will fulfill the Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download task given to you. You just focus on your work. What then? After … Then… … you will see. [Thriller Music] Ha. Before I forget … Neither to death nor to death. You’re done with one mistake. I am your master. You are my servant. Get out now. Quit y’all. They say too nervous is not good.

It made people die quickly. Fiko. What is this situation? Scare. He said I made the raid on the wedding. – He never denied it. – Dishonest. He is slippery Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download like his father. He must be something he trusts, as he openly admits it. There is. It became untouchable. My enemy was one. It made a thousand.

Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle

How so? He knew I killed Taner. – So. Now Mazhar also knows. – S… Mazhar loved him like his son. Now we have a new enemy East. And this is much Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download stronger than any of them. Mazhar has both the strength of the seat and the support of the bosses. So … Why did he let you go despite that? I think they will wait for me to restore order in Istanbul. After that, they will want to finish my work.

A much bigger war is now at the door. So…Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download Identifying the three bosses and … … we have no choice but to destroy them. Yes, but we don’t have that much time. Scare First. Every day he continues to breathe is now haram for me. He tried to kill my whole family. But you say it’s untouchable. I will touch I will touch him in such a way. Let’s wrap our wounds.

Taking our loved ones out of the hospital I will finish his job the day we return to the neighborhood. A rose to my rose. Come on. But laugh. I brought Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download runaway skeletons for you. So that you would be happy to see it. AA. It’s a fake smile. What happened, something happened? Or do you have pain? No. I’m fine. – Come. Sit down. – Stop. Slow. Slow. Come. Sit next to me.

The river gave me blood. Here too, the news was spreading fast. How did this happen, Ramo? He hates me, us. Why would someone who believes that Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download I killed his mother save my life? We proved that he didn’t kill his mother, with Mazhar. He was just in his mercy. Is it a wonder? I do not believe in life. But it did. Believe. I didn’t give you the blood. What did Ramo want from you in return?

What could she want? You are my Everything. I have nothing to give him. Are you very scared? To live … … I used to think I was experiencing the heaviest pain. Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download There have been many moments when I said it wouldn’t be worse. Be sure. But last night … My despair in search of blood for you.

it was indescribable, my rose. I live … It could not be compared to any pain I have experienced. I was like a stranger to myself. At that moment I realized that Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download You are my Everything. If something happens to you … … there is nothing left of Ramo. Be sure of it. I exist as long as you breathe.

Do not forget it. My everything. Don’t repent. I’m sorry. Keep doing what you are doing. I’ll come later. Come on brother. Come. – It’s late. Come. – Nothing. Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download I went to look after the boy. Little one. I look, I do not. – Mystery? – He. Wasn’t Mystery with you? Brother? Don’t worry, my rose. I sent him home. Why? Did something happen? No. I was strangely tired. I said let it rest a little.

Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download

We just talked about it. I’ll get that soon too. OK. The girl remained in the middle. Don’t make you feel my absence. Shall we? Take care of him. Don’t Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download say that, my aunt. You are not in the mood to pile up here, either. You are discharged for two days. He is the most. – I hope brother.

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Like what? How should I know? Maybe Mazhar sent you. You know you’re working for him. On whether I will kill Ramo or not … … you came looking for my mouth. No. I have no business with your mouth, your nose. I tried to finish this Ramo too. Twice. Is this Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download reference not enough for you? So. He didn’t cut it. Didn’t cut it? While browsing the wedding venue … … What if I say you moved with Nehir?

If I was working for Mazhar I would tell Mazhar that. Has he cut it now? Cut. He cut like mis. Tell me. What is on your mind We will shoot him at his only Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download weakness. Brother. Fiko also came. Everybody approaches me. I like it. Liking. Do you know why Fiko became immortal?

The rabbit looks like a b … But it is very dangerous. Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download Fiko? He sells at the speed of light. No. If you say, I will meet with you. … don’t take it here. Do not see me. Wait outside. I will come to you. Tell me. What is your plan? [Thriller Music] Come on, Ramo. Come. I came to get Gizem. Are you so confident in yourself? And you? [Thriller Music] Let’s do it. Let’s make! Press the trigger.

Do you think I can’t? You talk too much. You’re trying too hard, Ramo. You talk too much. Well. You wanted. I kept my promise. Do not forget. You are not a Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download murderer. You are the killer’s daughter. Don’t come across it again. Don’t let hate take over you. – Are you okay? – I’m fine. How is my sister Good. He just wondered about you. Let this matter be between us.

Shall we? Let’s not upset him. Then we got burned, tell Eastern brother. Ramo’s job is very difficult. It is a great disaster for us that a man like Mazhar is an enemy. Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download In this case, we only have one chance. Find the three bosses and get on top. – Exactly. – There is no other way.

But if one of them stays alive, it will smoke us all. Besides these, Cihangir Mihangir is a story. Didn’t Ramo finish Cihangir? First of all, we will finish them all one by Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download one. We also have another trouble called Fear. The man is like a rabid dog. It is not clear what it will do or where it will attack.





We have to be very careful. If necessary, women will never leave the neighborhood. – Don’t get out. – You say right. Anyway. I’m coming after looking at a Disaster. Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download Let’s. Your situation is fine. Thanks. Let’s. Don’t linger anymore. What is happening? Shhh! Will it work anyway?

In spades… It will look like an accident when the oxygen cylinder bursts. Let’s feather before the real nurse arrives. Have a nice day. The doctor said he Ramo Episode 39 With Urdu Subtitle Free Download would be discharged in a few days. Good. I’m so glad. Ah, somewhere like this … Sibel! Sibel! Sibel! Breakfast! OK.

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