Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Free

THREE DAYS AGO No, İsmail Efendi, are we going to stand like this? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Come on. Fatoş is gone. What is this situation, the groom? Anyone who sees it will think that we have arrived. I kept my promise, brought Sibel. You also sent Fatoş. It’s no, is there a problem? Thanks my daughter. How are you, Mrs. Neslihan? How am i One also asks.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

If you want, Fidan also express your condolences. The conditions are known. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle It is also clear why we are here. Be sure, I am unhappy as much as you do. He was unhappy. You buy a girl with the family like us and give a girl. He doesn’t say I’m playing by ringing … Mrs. Neslihan … Look at me, Fidan. If a stone touches Sibel’s foot, I know you.

To your hair … If you feel comfortable, Sibel is entrusted to me. We will keep it on hand. God willing. But the same goes for Fatoş. Fatoş is our dear, precious. And we never want harm to him. Who cares what you want? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Still. Be patient and do not forget what I told you. What are you looking for here? I owe you a debt of thanks.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

So for what you do today. You changed everyone’s destiny. Cut that out. Maybe your fate has changed, too. After all, we are in this situation because of your threats. One day you will thank me for all this. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle We’ll see. Where should I drop you? So how are things Ismail Effendi, is everything okay? Good good. Beautiful But up to a point in pumping, eh?

You will neither grow nor shorten. Ramo noticed this that he was staring high. Like everyone else, we are after our bread, Ms. Sibel. You were Hasan, son? You are right. We are all after our bread. Let’s let the past remain. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle No, mornings? Are you going? I beg you go away. Don’t hurt my children. You understood me wrong. I did not come to do any harm.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

I know unpleasant things happened. But you have to go. If you want to stay there is a way. What way is that? Is there my way now? Do I have a house? Do i have a world You destroyed my world. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle There is no use in crying and whining. And let your children not go hungry and miserable. I’ll take you if you want. Leave. Your children won’t be left in the middle.

If you are a widow, where will you go alone? God damn you! Join! Join. Join. Join! Get out of here! – It’s free. Get out of here! What are you doing here? Look, if my children see, it will tear you away! Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle You are cruel! Cruel! You killed my husband! My children are orphaned because of you! My children are orphaned … – Mom, I’m here, look. Ok mommy Ramo.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

Ramo. Did you come? – I’m here mommy. Come mom come. Look, the man who killed your father is here! My mother … – Protect yourself. Ok mom, okay. Brother. – OK mama. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Don’t let them kill you too, protect yourself. No no no! My children … Nobody can touch my children. Just touch them … I’ll kill you with my hands. Did you hear me dog!

– Okay, ma. I’ll rip your lung out! – Okay mom, come on. Disaster, what can I tell you? My Hasan, how do I know who is out there? Ok come on take it. Okay okay mom. Send him here! Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle – Okay mom, okay.What is it for you? Disaster, what from him! Why are you thinking about it? He? Why are you thinking about it? Fatoş is gone! My life is gone.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

– My Hasan … What am I going to do now? He? What will i do He is also dishonest called Süleyman … – Hasan … Look, you saw my mother, because of that dishonest Suleyman Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle… Should I go and kill them now? Should i kill myself? Hasan, okay, Hasan … – What if I am Nap? Okay okay. OK. Ok dear, okay. Who is it? What happened?

– It’s okay, my lamb. Go to sleep. I said let me see. Why wouldn’t I be okay? Did something happen? There is nothing. I have just wondered. Why are you wondering? I’m always fine after you are with me, my mother. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Come on, go to work. He? Let me rest too. Come on, let me go. – Let’s. Let’s yacht. – OK. Let’s. But don’t get cold and sick. You always sweat.

You always sweat. Why are you looking like that? Is it because I came? I know this look though. You threw that much. You said you would never marry or something. Now you say why did you come? That’s why Fatoş went. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle For my family. It’s not like Fatoş. You came to kill me. We will definitely meet one day. And when that day comes …

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

I swear to you, one of us will die. True. That’s exactly what I said. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle I swore to kill you, Ramo. No force can prevent this. So you’re very close, Sibel. I am here. You are here too. Do whatever it feels like. Because I will do that too. Like what are you going to do? What am I going to do? – Uh … Tell me what’s coming inside. E.g… If it’s possible

I would rewind time. A moment when you don’t look at me like that. Because it was very difficult. It was even the most difficult. Like any other man … Unloving. Like it hates. What is this now? Do you regret it? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle I have had a lot of regrets in my life. I wish I hadn’t. But this is not one of them. You say I would do it again though. You don’t understand, Sibel.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

– What will I understand? You were saying that you would kill your father again. Let it be for God’s sake. – Listen! There is nothing to listen. Didn’t my mother call your grandfather a murderer here? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Didn’t he say cruel, didn’t he say you left my children orphans? Banane Why are you telling? – Why am I telling … I don’t know what happened in the past.

I don’t want to know. What will happen if I know? What will change, what am I going to tell you? I’m going to say I’m glad you did, I’m glad you killed? No … I just want you to understand me. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle To understand what I’m doing and why. I am not such a daring murderer, Sibel. You are the killer. I am not. If you kill me here now would you be a murderer?

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

What are you doing here? Didn’t they arrange a room or something? I look at you, your mouth is tongue-tied. However, what an artist you were in your own house, a man. Hee right, that was your garbage, right? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle This is life. Yesterday I was in your hands, today you will be my wife. Not your wife, Neco. You count me as a hostage. But there is a difference.

What is it? You begged for your own life.kept fooling myself like an idiot. What will change? What if I say? What will it change? True. It’s too late to talk about them now. There is no longer hope for us. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle There is no future. How long will you stay here? Why did you ask? Happened to what you wanted. There is no longer any reason to stay here.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

Is not it? Do you want me to go? You don’t belong here. There are also you waiting. I’ll go when I’m done. So it’s not over yet. – Not yet. Also, I do not intend to go without a dinner with you. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle And so maybe I can make you forgive myself. It means you will wait longer. I’ll wait. Whatever he thinks himself. The situation has changed. Fatoş will not marry anyone.

I changed my mind. You said like that. That’s how you convinced me. Obviously, you also tricked Fatoş. That also me. You don’t know anything. I don’t know what, Ramo? He? I don’t know what? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle I don’t know what? You don’t know your limits. You don’t know where and where. You don’t know who you’re asking for what. Should I count more? No. There is no need.

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

I bought it. My fault I thought we were together. Even more than gardash. We are. That’s why I’m angry. How the hell can’t you see me when you’re so close to me? How do you not understand what I feel, Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle what I live. Lan. Lan. So my eyes are blind. My ear is deaf, Ramo. Come on my love. What is yours gardas? Revenge or love? Was it worth sending Fatoş man? Gray.


– Do not. Don’t you, Ramo. Don’t say I didn’t send it. You left no way for him. Like your name, you knew that Fatoş sacrificed himself for his family. He did. Fatoş … He did exactly what he said. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle He was willing to die, but he chose worse than death. Moreover, when I chose war for him. Why did you get me out of there, Ramo? Why did you take me out, gardaş?


Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

If you’d let it go, I’d squeeze that Neco p ** head Then? – Then what then, Ramo. He? Didn’t you say, is it after men like us? It is not clear where and when we will die. Bravo Boz. Well done. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Look, that’s exactly why you had to stay away from my brother. You understand? True. That’s why you haven’t been in love for years.

You’ve always kept yourself away from the girls. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle So that I do not marry, start a family, establish a family, or have children. But now Ramo, huh? Look at the deeds of God I sacrificed, Ramo. You are getting married You are marrying your loved one, Ramo. What the hell are you saying? Didn’t you start it, son? Didn’t it happen because of you?

Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle

Didn’t I give up my own life just because you gave Neco two slaps? Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Didn’t I risk everything, you came here asking me to account. They’ve never fought like this before. Can I say something, it will not come again. What are you saying, gardaş?

Where does he have to go? This is the fur shop, we go around and come here again. Are you no Tanker? If you want to go, go, there is the door. No one is forced. My son, is that what I say? Then you will not do tatava, Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle gardaş. Son don’t stop arguing, look at your business! It’s messed up already.

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