Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

Get well soon Ms. Real. I am so sorry for what happened to you. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu SubtitleSavasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Thank you thank you Pure Urdu If there is anything we can help you with …we do our best. Remember. Thanks Can I ask you something? Nothing happened to him, he is Kaghan, because of me, is n’t he? I would be very upset if this actually happened. For this to happen…

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

… I can’t see a reason either, but after all, these are my own thoughts…
If he is offended by my tendencies or my words …Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle … That would be really scary. Real Hanam, your thoughts or statements are matters that concern you. For my part, I see people’s minds

… …Or I don’t intend to open them and look into their hearts. You went against the law and it turned out that you are completely innocent. No one has the right to say anything about this . do not worry. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle The real Hanam The Bozok captain was unharmed. Be comfortable. Kagan is a soldier too precious to us to be sacrificed on the first doubt.

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

So is he really good? So where is he now? Ms. Real you say hi to her from here. We have bent the rules so much that you can even say that. Thanks again for coming. -That sounds good. – It looks dangerous, sir. You’re right,Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle it’s dangerous, but if we don’t move on from here… …It will take a long time, Murat. I think it looks great. Friends, let’s eat something.

Get in front of the gallop . Emre, save your back. What do you say Marat? Oh god it looks good. Bro, you don’t get angry when you get binoculars too? Is it too late for you? Why? I once went to the Greek islands. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Where it passed, I found such a plastic telescope, my friend. That’s how I look. Oh! Sea, sand, sun, tourists burying themselves in sand and stuff. Murat, I don’t know if I mentioned this, but I…

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

… I like tourism bro. I appreciated it a lot. Do not restart. to throw. Indeed, my commander We have a blessing, look what you are talking about. Allah Allah What does that have to do with it? Now when you look at a hill , Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle do you want to see a hill? I will say what happened to your imagination… … Is he afraid of his wife? Are you afraid of your wife?

– From Khadija? -Great! There was another. What are you talking about my commander? Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle I only agree with my commander in chief on this issue . I would have been surprised if you hadn’t come galloping. For God’s sake what do you see when you look at that hill? Crown, dust, rock. You and Murat are the same, Bayram Sergeant Major.

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

When he looks, he sees the hill , and when he looks, you see the hill, it’s very interesting. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle But, Chief of Staff. -let’s go ! What about Seljuk, bro, should we look through those binoculars too? There is something certain about this telescope. I don’t think we should. We’ll pass by anyway. You are comfortable.

That’s your problem anyway, you’re too comfortable. Or perhaps Sardar Sr. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Lt. saw a scene there. Let’s see son. So look, it would be a shame, we missed the opportunity.After the real Ozkainat swearing-in ceremony… With the massacre of civilian soldiers … He is accused of aiding and abetting terrorists who are responsible for many incidents…

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

… This situation was discussed in public for a long time. However, the police investigation and prosecution revealed the truth. Ozcanac said he received death threats from the people in question. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle It was learned that his house was forcibly entered and subjected to torture. On the other hand, Akin Ozkinac, who provides terrorist financing and money traffic…

And was caught when he was about to go abroad… Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle… Thanks to the original Ozkainat. Ozkinac, who reported his father… has played an important role in eliminating the structure of terrorism. Hey sister, did you see? We have taken the sin of this girl for no reason. Who has informed his father. Who knows how things turned out?

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

I am so embarrassed now. I do not know what to do? Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Yildiz, should we say get well soon or something, what should we do baby? No mom, I think we should wait for brother. She also came to our hospital. I was very strict, but my… …She used to do the same in my place, sister Khadijah. So if you ask me, I guess I’d say wait for Kagan Bay.

Because now it’s a lemon between them. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle First, let them make things right with each other, right? It is, it is. God help. Sister, is there anything on the stove? No, no, sister Khadijah. I just saw. What does your nose smell like again? Yes I didn’t understand that… What happened, Khadijah? Khadija’s sister. Khadijah. Main. Really, can you tell me what to do?

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

Look, even the trial is not clear when you understand? Wards are full. I live with many servants . I can’t stay here! You have to do something, you understand? So look, there’s somebody you know or something. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle I don’t know, you have a circle or something. Think something, find something. I can’t stop here! – Dad. My lawyer Funda takes care of everything.

He is doing what he can. do not worry. Actually, it won’t be enough. It is not enough. Look, there’s a lot of pushy people out there, you know? They asked me a huge amount . Do you understand? He told me, Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle“You supported terrorism, terrorism. Then you give it to us,” he says. They say, “If you don’t, we will kill you”. So it’s a nightmare, you know?

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

Dad! Dad, relax! calm down! Dad, look, this is a nightmare for me too. When I think about what you’re doing, what you ‘re doing, I… Main I wish things were so different, Dad. Girl. Ended. let’s go. Real save me! save me! Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle 1 – Finished. let’s go. Rescue! God damn it! Pure Urdu Sir, the left side of the valley is safe. We keep moving forward.

We have secured the right side of the valley sir. Understood. Let’s continue. Come on Seljuk, let’s continue. Take position Take position! Are you OK? is there anything -I am fine. – We are fine sir. Kagan Commander. Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle What is wrong? You have to give tea. Turan is bleeding from a direction from Selcuk. I repeat, one arm was.What, why am I leaving?

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

Wash your hands and face, clean your head. The commander is calling. Who am I saying hello to! Sergeant, look at me, I’ll beat you with that stick in my hand , I’m very smart, be careful. Commander’s call, you psycho bastard. Let me go. The squad will eventually get rid of you. You are going mr Now you can escape from there (beep). (beep)

Escape from there. Look people are mocking the discharge. But you never go green. Your military service is not over. come on Monkey, son, you are going to the upper region. – Do you understand me? – Understood. -not me? – has been changed. Look Duggan coach, the whole brigade is working hard, son we couldn’t give you the letter. Go to the upper zone,

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

don’t try to escape. Okay, Lion? Finish your military service, do your job, do you understand? Understood sir. In the evening the helicopter will go, I will take you on it. Look, there are a lot of elders.

Don’t tell me to open my mouth. Get off the top of the bun here. Got it, coach? Let’s get ready. Pure Urdu From Mardin to Nusaybin by helicopter, from Nusaybin to its upper region…

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

…we are in armored vehicles, sir. How much time will your elements (copose) take in the upper area… You are changing major. We change it every fortnight, sir. If you’ll excuse me, sir. How many commando teams do you have at the top? We are trying to get three teams ready, sir. -What are we going to do? -You are free. We will go to upper zone with dawat and commander.


Then we will meet with the drafters. Well, send me away. -now. Also, spying, surveillance and shooting conditions are quite good. In addition, your soldiers regularly … … do not choose to meet their family … … something that I strongly support in terms of moral motivation. Congratulations, Major. It’s time to separate. Monkey, no?

Are you going to run away with the bag, uncle? No, obviously it’s going to slip between the drafters. “I found you in the meadow, I won’t give you a hand” “If I take you to me, if I wrap you in the cinema” “Iran fell in places, mixed in ghazals” “My nature is dry, I see the beautiful” “I found you in the meadow, I won’t give you a hand” “If I take you to me, if I wrap you in the cinema” What is the time of Fajr, gentlemen? It’s sunrise! Then.


“I found you in the meadow, I won’t give you a hand” “If I take you to me, if I wrap you in the cinema” If you do this, my son! “I found you in the meadow, I won’t give you a hand” “If I take you to me, if I wrap you in the cinema” “Iran fell in places, mixed in ghazals” “My nature is dry, I see the beautiful” Attention! Relax guys.

Savasci Warrior Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle

We are here to have fun. We wanted to be partners in your movement. sit here We love what Zybek plays and plays. -Can you play? – Yes sir. “Sari Zibik Aman” “Oh, you can lean on those mountains.” “Yadmor Yadar” “One day it will happen” “A crazy heart will be healed” Rocket! I shot, I shot, I shot the helicopter! – Good luck..

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