Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Hey! Ehan, Ehan, are you okay? Call an ambulance, ambulance, ambulance! Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle put on! I should have shot him in the head, sir! Okay fine. Okay son, okay, okay, look, the ambulance is coming, okay! – Hold on, my brother, hold on. – Sir, are you okay? Run ahead, go to the cops, go to the cops Son , don’t force yourself, don’t force yourself

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

– I have to kill him, Commander! – Son, don’t force yourself… Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Ambulance is coming. Go to the police, look, go! My commander! – Sir, are you okay? – I’m fine, I’m fine. – Come on, hurry up. – let’s go. Captain, what’s going on? The jackals stole the lion’s oath, that’s what happened sir Sir we have lost many martyrs!

If anything happens to Ehan, he will raise this glass! What is your order? Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle You all go back to headquarters… … will return to the departure center in half an hour . This is my order! Ah, we were just about to blow it over the head Which of us did not come to mind brother? This idea was in our minds! We were going to shoot him in the head, we all thought about it!

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

You, me, Turan, Selcuk and even Ihan. Actually Colonel, Pasha, we all thought.Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle – Sardar is fine. – Here we can’t. Why? Because we are bound by law, because we have rules. Brother it’s ok, we don’t do what we think, my brother… … What did these people do to me? They shot this guy! It’s so hard man… Sardar… …we all feel the same, but- what brother? There is nothing here…

…we can’t, can we? We think the same thought a thousand times despite the blood flowing inside us .Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle …we think about it, then we can’t do anything! We can’t, yes. We can’t, sir! Because we haven’t been a gang for thousands of years! We have never been robbers! We never ambushed, never killed from behind! If we have a sword…

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

… No matter the bread, we always have the law. It will always be like this. Turkish means custom, sir! Custom is also the law! If you remember son… The name of the association that we founded at the time of our occupation of Anatolia. Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Defend the law! Defense of the law This is us sir… …it won’t change! Then what will we do brother?

What are we going to do! -What do you recommend? Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle- How should I know? I don’t know, I swear I don’t know. I’m on fire now, that’s it! Sardar, I said what do you suggest? What should I know bro, what should I know. I don’t know what to suggest bro. -You say– ok, ok skull hunters… … Let’s go and do it, dead or alive?

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

Haha that’s what you do bro! But this time it’s dead or alive… Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle…dead (beep) ! Control yourself. All I’m going to tell you is to control yourself , sir. – Okay fine. -My commander! Chief, do what I say, son, do what I say. Is it okay? Control yourself. Now go to the hospital where Ayhan Master is staying …take care of it, okay?

– Yes sir. – now! Chief! That day will come sir. That day will come. Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle We will be ordered… And when we were commanded to… …we’re going to hit the road like this. We will say what you said.are you sure Will he come here? I don’t know, no it won’t. Look, if I see any nonsense… If I see the slightest bit of nonsense, I will kill you both.

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

Have a word. Hello. So, are you available? I think I played a little too much, though. no! No. I uh… Are you okay? I’m fine I’m fine Thanks I wanted to make a call, but I think you… Kagan, I’m a little tired. can i call you later Are you sure you are ok? Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Yes. I am fine. No problem, right? your voice is a little- no i…

… That’s why I was about to sleep. Kagan, see you later, okay? I will call you. Beautiful Beautiful It’s getting late, sit down. Well, let’s take a look at these guys. Ha, wait. Come when the police pull off the highway, okay? Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Ha, Zeke tell us. After that we will leave here. Coming, coming. Baron is coming too. At least you’ll get to the countryside safely.

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

Well, let them meet us, come on. Is there a problem? no! No. No problem. what did you do dad How did you come up with this, how? I. Actually we did a lot of cleaning if you will come sir. Huh, like this. Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Hah it’s fine. Yes. Galip, is this the cleanliness of this house bro? Yes sir, how, heh look.. …no dust, what else? Gallop brother, did you grow up on a chicken farm

, my dear brother, huh? How? This house is dirty and the place is also dirty. what’s this? It’s a dirty bachelor’s house, man. We do survival training here, huh. We get tetanus here, and it’s cleared up. Of course, Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle someone gets sick here. So I will disagree with you , Commander, if you will allow it. ask me why So that’s a question for me, a question of why.

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

Why? Because you are comparing us to Kagan Captain’s mother sir. So what happens when you compare? It’s an unfair competition, isn’t it? After all, this is the bachelor’s house. Well, Gallip, my handsome brother, Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle I have a question for you. Of course sir. Since this is Bachelor House, so be it. hey hey Why is Turan and Seluk’s house clean? Tell me this.

Tea has arrived. take it.. I ah! hey hey I am the chief.Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle – My commander. -Emery oh sir What are you doing? Give me, give me the lion’s piece. – There is tea, isn’t there? – Of course, sir. Emery is very talented sir. I mean, neither the doctors nor the engineers asked for it, so I couldn’t give it… …it didn’t work, I couldn’t resist. If he had time, he’d make you a pie too—

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

lo gallop, take. -thanks brother. welcome. It is good. So sir, what did you do with your housework? Do you keep house? Sir, the sample is here. I think we are doing well not to catch him, never mind . We said, Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle “When you don’t keep it, why don’t you keep it, right, my dear brother?” Let’s sleep, wake up. If we survive, we will talk about it in the morning.

Jay Sir They will stay here till morning. I think they will all stay with us. -I think. Good night there. No more tea, huh. I mean what does it smell like? How old is this milk ? O Safai sir. Sure, it’s like three days old, so it’s not that old. Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle Mother.But I swear I saw her father, I said to myself… …I said, that girl has become a good person in spite of this boy.

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

So I said that he has extended himself accordingly. Look, this girl has never seen a family . He did not see the right parents, did not see the local people. He didn’t go to the wedding, he didn’t go to the funeral. Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle He did not go to Milad, he did not go to the neighbor. Now she went to the police station, they are questioning her.

I don’t even know what happened. But look, I’m telling you again, Commander. Real Hanam does not help them. Bozok Captain, don’t take your hand off him, okay? help me. Look, I’m telling you, there’s something in this business. Kobe… Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle…I am very tired of his work. I am tired. I am absent anymore.

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

“A flower that does not bloom in the garden where you are alone” He hides a thousand and one springs in our land.” Take us by the arm and pull us if you want.” “Wounded, feet walking on a mountain on a straight road ” “He trembles so much when you dive into your dance” ” A white butterfly in a floral scene … It moves our hearts …

A zibak kneeling on the ground like a mountain” “We know no other art standing before us Our Anatolia is like an unwritten epic.” “Friends, when we sing folk songs on this road …

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

… Good luck to you, we’re parting ways” Look, it’s raining. Guys, it’s like clockwork. Ha -Welcome. – We like it. Havel It’s good to see you, come on. come on The police refused to give information about the real events. – Why sir? – They are right. There is only one way to get information about the name in their investigation.


And this name is the subject of our investigation . Would you prefer it? Should the name of the original Ozkainat be included in our investigation? If necessary, sir. If necessary, Kagan Bozok should also be passed. Of course. Do you have something to say? I haven’t known him for a long time. But if I had any doubts about him when I knew him…

You can guess what I will do, sir. What kind of person is this real Ozkainat? She has an ideological attitude, yes. It cannot be said that she fell in love with the soldier. He has some harsh words. -But– -But? I don’t think it has anything to do with terrorism sir. I understand that. As I said, this is not the subject of official prosecution for us at this time. But within the scope of police information.


I will not hesitate if such a file is opened . -You know it. – I know, sir Well, that’s it for now. You can come out, Captain. Captain you can come out. If you’ll excuse me, sir… -Yes. I request to stick to my role in the operation . You know it is very difficult in these circumstances. Sir, you said that there is no official case. My team brought this man here with us.

Savasci Warrior Episode 9 With Urdu Subtitle

And I want to repeat it at the beginning of my post. I insist on it. Attention! Relaxed people. Got a question for me guys? Beautiful Well because for two days… …I have heard more questions in my life . And these are all questions I

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