Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Yes? where is the colonel Stop all emissions. Call all security here. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Where is Beyram Sergeant Major? Bairam, Sergeant Major. – All security here. Relax brother! Is it inside? Sardar brother Brother, brother, colonel. Commander, are you okay? I’m fine, lieutenant. Sir, what is going on? They say that we took a little precaution. No problem.

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

– Come on. Host me a little. Which is your order sir. Kagan captain, where is he? Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle He’s after you, sir. Get out, get out Ahh! God’s curse! Sorry bro, are you ok? Couldn’t you save the Colonel? COLONEL UPPER BROTHER, OK. But… We could not save him bro. We could not save the girl. We could not save the girl. -Gentlemen, where is the commander?

– He is resting inside. – What happened Sir? -what will happen? This is what we missed. During the day, he searched around the hospital twice. Although there is camera footage. Unfortunately, none have been found yet. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle They are sending unacknowledged, no criminal record. This must be their new tactic. -Commander, how did you-

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

-police called headquarters. When I heard about it, we took a small precaution. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle- That’s all. – I understand, sir. What are we doing now? We will continue our business as usual . Let’s get out of here. We have one more week, he said. You’re complaining here, aren’t you? Now if I tell you, let’s get ready, we are running away from here.

I am sure you will start right away. Now, sir. I will run away now. Pure Urdu Do you have any other orders, sir? No, thank you, Captain. My commander. You scared us a lot. If something happens to you… When something happens to us, Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Kagan Those who leave and those who stay say the same thing. Thank you country. Rest in peace Captain Kagan.

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

Thanks thank you sir. turn it off! Make sure there are no scars, quick! Are you injured? No, it’s fine, fine. – Your face is bad. – We said it’s not important, let’s go! See, that man is responsible for a lot of things that happen around here. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle I have traces of you throughout my life. Your father, your brother… …in the lives of all your loved ones.

That’s all I’m going to say for now. I hope you succeed, Roshda. Moon! Look, do you see? There are still some scratches around it, Kagan. May God reward you. , they did nothing. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Did you stay in the hospital for a week for no reason, huh? Ahh! Mother, I swear I have nothing. I am fine. Ugh! Don’t act like I’m a child. Surely you are my child.

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

What are you?Copoz, why did you come officially, aren’t you a reporter? Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle -Look, don’t forget to rest. – Yes sir. But only with the report of my feet, I can go. Thanks. Commander. -Are you OK? I’m fine, lieutenant, I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s just my leg that reminds me every once in a while. I guess the effect of the painkiller wore off soon. -why are you here?

-It’s overtime, sir. What happened to our boy, is he coming?Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle – Yes sir. Duane Bender, today you will leave the union… I inform you that he will be transferred to headquarters tomorrow morning, sir. Let’s see… Pure Urdu You got your papers and everything didn’t you son? – I got it, I got it, sir. – Very good. Look, Duane, my son, these are special forces…

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

…that’s right, it’s not possible to make a big deal out of it . Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Especially not possible to escape, do you understand me? – Understood sir. What do they say after my son… The petty officer of this man’s company could not train this man… …don’t they say Doan? Complete your military service like a man… Take care of your work son.

– Well, son? – All right, sir Look, Doan, let’s run along the way, don’t say that. Please I will not run away sir. Forgive your right. Now, I can take a taxi or a minibus from there and board something …I’ll go to the right terminal, sir.Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle -No one, Doan, they will take you. Oh yahoo… Commander, if necessary, I will go myself.

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

Come on Lion, don’t forget what I said. Have a nice trip. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Jay Sir It is unclear whether this is a prisoner transport or a military item. I spit on my luck! Look at the shape, fat people! You are welcome sir. Are we missing something? No sir. The report of Emre and Galip is also complete… …we’re not missing, we’re ready.

Well, we will talk about other details. Tomorrow morning, Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle I want the whole team. Jay Sir You’re not leaving now, are you? Tell me you didn’t go? We talked yesterday. Oh, I swear I love Sundays, you know? Far from my mother’s worries, far from Sardar’s barbecue From Gallip’s chorus of folk songs, from Bairam ‘s dog…

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

…off the bull’s chin, oh man. Why? – Why? – Did you meet Kablai today? Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Ha, we have Kubele, we have all… …Our house is occupied, you know. That’s why you run, run , you came to the faculty. What did Qubalai tell you? what fit Absolutely not. Both don’t even call the same thing… If he didn’t, well? That’s why you called boys kittens? I understand now.

Kubele, I will show you Kagan! You really regret it too! You are acting like a child right now. oh ok dear now… Came out of a meeting with men …go see a lady , I mean whatever. Well, thank God I ‘m not like that. You- Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle you’re not that kind of guy, huh? So are you not a jealous man? You, Kagan, you are burning with jealousy, you strangle yourself!

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

In normal life, you might be a captain, but…Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle …You are a jealous general! You are also the commander of the army, you are also in the highest position. Don’t scream real, people are looking at us. Who would look, right?Do you know why I hung it there? Let me remember something in every moment of my life. Did you say East Turkestan…

I always think … Jesus Joseph comes to Alptekin. Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Usman Batur comes. This will never change. I will always think of them. but you… I will never miss you. I’m Bozok Captain! I am not going to write them did you hear me I am a complete man. I am zero! Have you heard? Hewal Shafiq is speaking. – Tell me.

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

– There is little presence here. The soldiers who went to the village have not returned yet. Look, it’s interesting. Let us fall if you will. So trust yourself. Beautiful I like confident people. very well. Am I not sleepy? Am I not sleepy? This place is too easy, Havel. wait. Hera is he here It’s not the first time I’ve been hurt, doctor, it’s okay.

Dr. Havel, what are you doing? I said wait! He asks if he can raid the police station. If he raids now… Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle… will kill four soldiers with his first mortar . After that he has to take 14 damage and withdraw . Four soldiers do not scratch my diamond face . I will destroy this outpost. I will destroy all your outposts.

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

Is it because it’s hard for you to smile? If you have bad facial muscles You’re not going to laugh to victory, are you? Okay fine. good come come on come sit down Come on tell me everything. I want to know everything. Tell the colonel. let’s go . The number you are calling cannot be reached at the moment. Please leave your message after the beep.

Yes … Hello real. I know it’s morning… …but I won’t be for a while. Look, I apologize for what happened on Sunday. So it was unnecessary. I Anyway. Goodbye. Take care of my horse, little lady. Okay fine. You really take care of yourself. Hey! May Allah help you son. May Allah help you all.


Go well, I hope you come back safe and sound. Don’t worry about us, but keep your prayers up too , okay? Okay fine. Take care of yourself. – Take care of my mother. – Okay bro. Let’s see. Khadija, good luck. Don’t forget to feed the boy his eggs, okay? ok ok You too be careful, it will happen. – Good morning sir.

– Good morning Bayram, good morning sister-in-law. good morning. – Come on, Baram. – Let’s go sir. Come on, be careful, okay? What’s up, come on. Don’t worry, don’t worry. Let us entrust ourselves to Allah. I will give it to my commander this time. Shocked. – Thank you. -have nice day. My commander, I survived. See you. ok dad are you going Yeah, I guess I’m out for a while. Take care of yourself. You really take care of yourself.


Will be back safely, will you? Okay fine. I’ll try. I will miss my fights with you. Didn’t I tell you not to go out in sweatpants? you do not say. Go wear something decent, don’t make me feel bad Come back soon, will you? “You flirt with the heart” “There’s snow, not smoke.” “Oh, it’s snow, not smoke.” “Give me my instrument sir”

Savasci Warrior Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle

“I am going” “I couldn’t drive, I put lavender on the console” Are your men ready, Bozok? – We are ready sir. You got the job, I tell you. Look, I’m telling you again.

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