Sultan Salahuddin History Episode 3

Sultan Salahuddin History Episode 3 you know that rock does not absorb water so water is stored easily. You watched that before in some videos So the water bring from there when the fort is closed because of war. ameer izzideen here inside here at this place, the chief who was ordered by Sultan Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi to build this fort this was the office or sitting area of the chief,

Sultan Salahuddin History Episode 3 located here At the moment clouds are so now you can watch the view of outside, and from the fort you can see this is the view we bring you to the upper floor of the fort this is from the above of the fort you can see see how far and down city from here very deep I tell you again in Jordan this is the highest place okay,

We are coming down very huge fort as you can see I told you before that this is how water stored in that pit or pool rain water in it Nowadays there is no need to store water, The cleaning is also going on and drain all the water now from here let’s move further in fort you can see paths are paved to go up see this above the fort there is soil for agriculture used for

that purpose some parts of that are has fallen see this here this is Jordan valley and valley of Yabis Quds is over here we are standing here right now. mountains over there Bait Al-Muqaddas is behind them, At the moment I’m standing at the highest point of Jordan and Palestine, Fort Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi in Ajlun, this area is called Ajlun,

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This Fort is also knows as Ajlun. Sultan Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi ordered to build this fort here so, the crusades prevented to came in the areas of Arab and Syria so this fort is build for the defence purpose, on my this side behind the fort from this point you can see the views ten to twenty kilometers from here and Bait Al-muqaddas is on that side and as you know that after some times Bait Al-Muqaddas was conquered.

This is all Jordanian territory including this place. On this side this path is in the area of Jordan’s capital Amman. when you see from here, it is the highest place and those were the paths for armies, for that reason this fort was build here so no one can trespass from here To prevent the crusaders so they won’t come on this side. This is very cold place, at the moment the tempreture is 4 or 5 degrees here,

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Sultan Salahuddin History Episode 3

Rain also falls from time to time, I hope you liked this video of fort today, and knowledge about the history Here is what told to us at the same time we have been telling you this is the view of exiting from this fort, [ Allah is the Greatest ] See this is the bridge here this is whole valley down there you can see so enemy who wants to came here first the go down and than they reached up. See the fort from outside Now not very much cloudy so again will show you outside view this is the ouside view of fort.

and down there there is this ‘what it’s called may be gorge or canyon fort is surrounded b this gorge besides that they get water in war times from those pools inside the fort rain water was collected in them then there are small pits or pools inside every hall so,

they were filled with water. Please like and share this video and subscribe my channel, for more historical and Islamic videos. Thanks a lot. Besides that you will see more cultural videos about Jordan. I hope you liked our tour, Thanks for watching.

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