Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost

I cannot replace Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost aunty Fadan. But I will always be with you. Is it okay? promise – aunt –.darling n. – Welcome aunty. – I like it. I liked it. – Welcome. – I like it bro. – Arabic – Welcome. I liked it. Children. Give me a glass of water. I am in a room with no water. Sable?

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost
Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

– my mother. – Welcome, girl. I enjoyed it, Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost mom. Sable you have a little wish with my mother. I will go and come. – Where? “It’s no big deal, man. I will come right away. don’t wait for me lie down. my mother. I will give you water. Look at the agreement. We also have jobs.

Calamity came. go to bed – How can I do Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost horizontal? The girl has just arrived. – Come on mom. come on. Get up, go to bed. Okay fine. come on. Come on, then go to them, come on. take it. – sister in law. come on let’s go – come on. You just go. Interesting night. Interesting yes.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

come on. Come on, it’s late. Shall we talk Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost at the table? We will go to Maket. Son what do we do? Wait, let them sleep. It’s dirty. [Thriller Music] or uncle’s son. are you sure Let us not disgrace the neighborhood. There is death, no return, son. I will do this. So Check around.

Check around. Check out our current status. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost I swear to the neighborhood that we will be caught as thieves. Disgrace. come come Come on Hawk Falcon. Come on let’s go. come on. Hasan brother I will ask you something. What exactly are we looking for?

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

my son One thing is certain here. Something mysterious. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost Look carefully. Look carefully. Lane cousin What is happening? my son Here is the light. help me. In the name of Allah, the Merciful. – Shall we go in? – Come on brother. Close. Close. Open Open. turn on the light Lane!

my son What kind of place is this? Hasan brother We followed you. Who knows where we’re going, man. For God’s sake! pay attention. Don’t make a sound. be quiet. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost Hopefully we’ll get out of here. Come on, good luck. stop. slowed down The light is coming. Watch – Attention.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

– come on. It’s getting late bro. late I don’t see. I don’t see. is Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost there any Lane! Welcome, Hassan. Cursed 34 greatness. – Welcome, boss. – Damn baker! There is nothing to worry about. do not worry. Your Highness. What is happening? Who are you?

They were Serdengeçti. – What happened? –.sardan n. Sardon Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost It was passed sardines. I’m one of them now, man. This is Seraph. If it weren’t for the traps… …We could not get rid of Chahangir’s curse. [Thriller Music] sir Is Ramu with you? no. Not yet. Beautiful Now listen to me carefully.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

There is only one way to make up for your incompetence tonight . Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost I am waiting for the news of Ramu’s death tomorrow . – But Mr. Chahangir… – He has no food. Complete it somehow. I guess you don’t want to disagree with me, Sybil. Douche bag!

Douche bag! Now ma’am Sorry if we made any mistake . Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost So we didn’t know. Astaghfirullah What is wrong? Next time we talk about business… … We will gather here bro. I am my lion. I already knew. Their together. Hook together. Just like his uncle’s son.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

Their together. Hook together. Our first task will be to finish the locksmith job. You know, everyone was going to come after us in Istanbul . It is also what gives us Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost the images of Fatoş . Absolutely bro. We are going to destroy his entire system. What’s the latest, Cevdet?

We are walking around the streets of Istanbul. We will find Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost it soon. [Thriller Music] Your Highness. Isn’t it over now? no. No brother. do not worry. Thanks. Take a look at them. For those people. You stay here for a while. We will see later. Chahangir. Will this woman really stay here?

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

Ahsan My trouble is enough for me. For God’s sake, don’t Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost even start. Because of me, the woman risked her life. I don’t understand either. Why is he risking his life for you ? This woman will leave this house tomorrow. Otherwise I will not be involved! Ok Ahsan. Don’t worry Ahsan.

do not worry. We will see Mrs. Ahsan. Who will go? Who Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost will stay? [emotional music] This nightmare will never end. It won’t end. Chahangir does not give up. He wanted me to take a chance and kill you again. Chahangir need not ask. I told you before. You’ll really shoot me one day.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

do not be afraid. You are with me now. No one will hurt you. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost Just trust me. You know what I would do if I had the chance? I’ll delete everything and start over. Man… … It’s like telling summer on earth… I once heard that he should live his life as if he were calling embers to a fire.

So is our life. It went back and forth. You cannot explain the Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost sacrifice you have made. I thought that I was also burned by the pain of betrayal . Maybe we haven’t talked… But our heart has spoken. you be with me you are here. we are together. What were we saying?

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

♪ If the world turns upside down, I won’t give up. ♪ If the sun Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost rises in the sky, I won’t give up. ♪ Faith without you is worse than death. ♪ I’m going through my life. I will not give up on you. ♪ I won’t leave you. ♪ If I die, I won’t give up. ♪ If the world turns upside down, I won’t give up.

♪ If the sun rises in the sky, I won’t give up. ♪ Faith without you Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost is worse than death. ♪ I’m going through my life. I will not give up on you. ♪ I won’t leave you. ♪ If I die, I won’t give up. [Thriller Music] my old friend my old friend You know what I’ve seen these days?

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

Many people around me have been resurrected. Do not do this. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost That means there are more. I thought I was special too. You are special, you are special. do not worry. Look where you came from today when you were pretending to die to live tomorrow. You have done great things in Russia.

Are you going to flirt with me on the phone all day ? Or will you Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost tell me where to come? I have some very good news to give your boss . I texted the location, flirted. come here. We are waiting. Uncle! Sable! uncle – Good morning. Did you say sable? – come here. come on come here.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

come here. come here. come here. Fetus. come on man come here. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost my mother. Come on, we’re awake. come on good morning. Good morning mom. how beautiful you look It’s like a whole family. girl come here girl I am very tickled. wait, you We found the locksmith’s place.

Okay fine. I’m coming now. come on. let’s sleep Congratulations Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost So just yesterday we were celebrating his retirement. We are going to get your return to work approval today. This is an amazing leap. I’m just thinking this. What did you offer Vadim? what did you talk about I would talk to your boss first.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

I really appreciate your courage. As you say, there are two possibilities. Either you go back to work. Or you will be killed. So they will ask. You will answer. is he? Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost Did you think you would only meet Yıldırım? All three want to see you. Isn’t this a sign of doomsday? You can handle that depth, right?

good luck. Lin! Hard! If you buy another one, I’ll let the red one come in. Don’t do it bro! I can’t pay attention anymore. – Yes? – A ball is ordered. We did Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost not order the balls. what is this bro I was called here. Tell the person who ordered the ball. I will never bring a ball mop here again.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

one minute. wait. wait. [Thriller Music] What is happening? What is happening? What is happening? What is happening? come here. come on He has a thousand Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost men under his command , but he is a coward. It really is. We will take care of whatever you want, Ramu. No problem. Real?

Show us where that famous computer is. Okay fine I will not take any money from you. From the company. Whatever you want, we can download it instantly. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost Who do I want? Certainly not Chahangir. If you’re thinking that , forget it. So even if my men get an order, they cannot follow it.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

He is in the list of untouchables. I already have someone else in mind. Fall before me! Let’s unpack this system. I opened. Who is the target? Such. Leave it to me. get up. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost Where are the pictures of the shooters? – All of them? – All of them. All your killers. In the council.




Where are the phone numbers of the attackers? This. What are you doing? Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost You cannot kill so many men even if you wanted to. You go brother. Do what I say. Damn Baker. very well. You understand these things. What are you doing? We kill all their killers.

Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle

Without even lifting a finger. So you will understand. Ramo Episode 31 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost We dog break it, slug. This should be a definite error. Definitely Okay fine. It’s over. Bro where did it come from? Sibelden.

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