Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Say this, I’m listening. Hello. Suleiman Agha, Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle run away. Ramo comes to kill you. Traitor! Cheats! Damn! Protect me! Substitute! from here. They got out of here. Call Alpay now. Son, run away, mother’s son, take the fatwa and run away. Do not ask! Do what I say. How did they get rid of the warning? We learn, brother. Alpine has arrived. No one should act without signing.

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

What? They were trapped, Mr. Alpi. do not go They set a trap, Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Garda. turn back! sailboat! sailboat! The first generation! Where? Where? what are you doing! – walking. what are you doing? She? Get in that car.what are you doing? Thousand! – Let me go. فاتوس! My sister… Still come Come on, Suleiman Effendi. Let’s go on a good trip.

Arasana’s grandfather. I called. I called the Sultan but he did not answer. Where are we going? My brother is coming, right? My brother is definitely on his way. It is clear from your face. Go wherever you want. Avoid as much as you want. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Will find you There is no salvation. Let’s come Will he find you alive? سیبل؟ Where are you my daughter Did you inform your grandfather?

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Whats up? what happened? Ramo attacked. We do not know who died, Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle who remained. Your grandfather called and warned us that we had escaped. We are fine, we can not reach your grandfather.

Where are you taking me, Ramo? Where you know very well Do you want to kill me? Has the human face become a place, His eyes do not see anything else, do they? What is behind, to the right, to the left, he sees nothing. What did I not see? – Your past You are very well equipped Anger, Queen has somehow taken you. Your eyes are dark.

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

The future I offer you you do not even see what do you think? I will forget everything. Will I be your son-in-law? I am my father’s son What did he say before he killed you? I do not bow to anyone. I do not give my right to anyone. Good. You are going to kill me. What will happen to Cihangir bey? Will follow you immediately. – Let’s think.

This is what I want. Come on, come on Let’s see who nechat faces. Seeing his face means dying If you see, you will die. Even then, you will not be able to see it. What about Fatoş? What will be Fatoş? Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Will Fatoş see his brother again, during Ramadan? We bought photos. do not worry. I was not sure Apo! Ramon! – Brother?

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Boy, where did I call a thousand times? What happened baby? Did you respect this Solomon? What did you do old? Not with Fatush? We can not get it. We printed the house, but could not get it, Garda. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Brother. Alpay brother? We called the doctor, he will come immediately. Baby who died. My son died in my arms. Ramo killed it!

Ramo killed my garbage! My son died in my arms …Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle It went in my lap … Ramo killed it! Ramo killed my garbage! My aunt … I talked to Hassan before leaving Ramo is upset. He did not want to hit Doğan. Well no. It is not a disaster So Ramo is something he does not want to hear. Will he silence us by flogging? Aunt, they hug, they make peace.

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

After all, they are not the enemy. Would be nice Does not improve The shop was like that when it was small His father loves Ramo very much. He was always jealous. گدمن سبوش Why do you speak like salt without salt? Do not get off now What bran? Why did you say that now? I’m afraid of being a disaster. Out of jealousy. I am afraid of the eyes of a dazzling girl. open it!

Hungry! Hungry! Slow Tacker. You have not recovered yet I’m fine, brother, when we got the news, we said come on, come on. We are both happy and sad … We said our waiters are at war but we are not Don’t worry, tanker. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle The war has just begun. Ramon! What did you do? What did you do? You went and attacked my family again Where is my grandfather?

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Where is my grandfather! Grandpa? I’m a good girl, do not worry Only I, Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle like you, will be a guest here for a while. Where are you going? Where are you going! Ramo is like you can not get anywhere, let’s talk. God damn it! Grandpa… You raised your uncle Adana standing where were you? why did not you come? When we got the news at the last minute

… And we do not know what we are doing, what the plan is I said stay. As we said to fight, stay? You are very angry Ramon! wait! Ramon! Did I warn you and not me? I told him not to harm any of my family. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle I said we can find another way. But you are still gone We only took Fatoş, it did not harm your family My grandfather is here. This is another Sibel.

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Not only him. I attacked the whole commission. Now is the war. From the first to the first so as you have planned. They had a plan, Sibel. Have they ever stopped? Not They attacked me in the world. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Will they stop tomorrow? Not Why not? To kill me You tried. But you can not. kill me Kill it now Get rid of it I’m free, enough! Look, today I saw and felt There is no going back now.

They will all be united. You know what you do, right? Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Let them come. If you broke the deal. So I will not stay here, there is no reason for this I’m leaving. When we go, I will decide. Will you force it? If necessary, yes Then my grandfather said chains next to you Mr. Yavuz … Ramo attacked the commission. Bekir and sanhsan died.

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Yilmaz also survived at the last minute. Alpine? Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle They say the survivors are injured. But I still could not confirm. What about Suleiman? What happened? Ramo initially targeted him. I have not heard from him, sir. Solomon is missing. But Neko escaped. The war began in Adana. here you are. Mr. Cihangir is waiting for you. here you are.

Come on, Nariman, come on. Come on girl, have some tea with your aunt. I do not drink what I eat Because we do not call, do not think we accepted How did you get this opportunity? You suffocate like a snake Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle…Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle I love that too me too I’m in my room. What’s up, Nariman? What do you want from the girl? What did he do to you?

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

What did he do to me? What did he do to me? Hey …Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle I see it. You always behave badly. It is a pity, it is a sin. What should you say to my beautiful bride? Let beauty sink to the ground. Has it ever fit your mouth? Do not say this. I do not say my bride. Of course, Seboş is from your mother because you have no news. Who is your bride now?

Who is your bride? The daughter of your husband’s killer. This girl is Genghis. Worst of all, Suleiman became the grandson of the anomaly. Fast speech What was the daughter of those bastards doing in this house? Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Well, I say that too What I say is he has a job, Bring your son and sit in a corner. Ramo does not. Ramo does not! no no no!

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Ramo does not! you are lying. If you do not believe it, go ask yourself. Go ask Bobo Why did Ishmael die? Why did my husband die! Because of Sibel. He also stabbed his son. The boy was almost dying. Let me tell you something. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Will do it again something happened? are you okay? نریمان ما … He said something. Not a lie, girl? what did he say?

Half … Happy … You were the daughter of Genghis … You were Suleiman’s grandson This will not happen. Why are you closed, girl? Because it is true I want your husband, the cruelty I am the daughter of the family that I committed. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Did you kill Ishmael? – Not No no. Are you going to kill Ramo? it is so? I will do this with you now how I can explain who are you?

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

who are you? By whom? Are you a viewer friend of mine? I say Fidan. Many people do not roam. There are many who come and go. She is a very beautiful girl. It hurts a lot You are beautiful like her, I hope what is your name? Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle … I have to tell you something, brother Sibel … May the destiny of man be beautiful, destiny. look at me…

I was a widow with three children when I was young. Do you have children? God, God … I did not say sorry Did you lose your love too? Yes! Yes. You are in a lot of trouble I find Fidan. Let me tell you, your friend has arrived. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle No, I do not need to call him Let’s even look at each other. Come on Do what you want to me. Whatever you want But do not do this with a sick and old woman.

Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle

Do not hurt him more. Please. God bless the events. “Countless Altai sergeants lost their lives.” Suspicion of an organized trade “While the police have not yet issued a statement …” what happened? Adana was mixed again. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle God happens. Where is the chair? He claims that a war has started in his seat How did Garda come to be? There was a lot left.


We almost succeeded. Gray We will sit and wait. Do not do crazy. Now is not the time. He still fled to the Alps. So is Neko There is a confusion in this. We will sit down and talk. Ramo took Suleiman. They can do nothing with Fatos. Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle He is the noblest so-called Solomon. Where did they put him? It does not go before my eyes, you know? What is?


You ask too! How did you kill your father! I have two children. Two But I was afraid of being a father, you know? If something happens to me so that they stay in the middle. I grew up without a father My children Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle… – God bless. What?

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