Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Free

Sorry. I didn’t want that to happen, I’m sorry. We are gradually alike. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle I also shot the man who shot my father. You cannot expect someone to kill their father and still love you. Everybody owes their own life, Sibel. A promise he made to himself, a cause he lived for. That was mine too. That blood could not stay on the ground.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

For years they were saying that everyone has been the slave of their bloody. Do you know… They said he was the hitman of his father’s killer. I was, right. But I had an account. This story couldn’t stay here. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle By the way, if your intention is to kill me You have to stick this knife a few more times. Am I the man to go with one blow?

Revenge is greater than our love, Ramo. You could not forget. You could not forget. I didn’t want it to be that way. You made me stab my love. Sibel has done everything for you for years. I shot, I got shot. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle But sorry I can’t stab myself for you. So go Sibel, go now. Get out of here. Run before ours see you. Why are you doing this why?

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

Why do you still protect me in this situation? Making. Because you are the most beautiful dream I have ever dreamed in this false world. Sibel go. Sibel go. Come on. Ramo! Ramo! Boy are you okay Hasan! Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Born! Hawk! They shot Ramo, call an ambulance! Ismail emmi is no? I’m going to the roof, three people come with me. Download the next.

Sibel. No, here at this hour? Did something happen? Ramo boy are you okay? Is there anybody! I’m in, uncle, what happened! Wow Wow wow. Look at Sibele. He’s plugged in. He plugged in but didn’t finish the job. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle After all, she could not be offended by her husband. I’m yours! What’s happening, man! Disaster! Tumbler! Are you okay with somersaults?

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

Exit man. Shoot it! Exit! Mom what are you doing, get in! Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Uncle! Uncle! Disaster bend down! Are you ok my daughter I’m fine but who are they? How can I know. Uncle’s fire! Ulan is yours! By the way, sorry, gardaş. I said I would take the life of one of you every time I come. I couldn’t keep my promise. I don’t have time anymore.

I will take your life en masse when you come. Here you go! Ceyhan! Ramo, Ramo are you okay, gardash? Gray. My uncle lives do something. Boz, quick! Ramo. This is it, Ramo. Never… Never… Do not give up. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Iso! Drop it, let it go! Leave it open, leave it alone. Don’t be the main victim. Leave. He is overwhelmed, he cannot breathe.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

Don’t cover your face. Where are you going to leave us, Iso? Come on mom! Where are you going, Iso? Disaster, take the kids inside. Disaster! Musti, Stupid bride with me. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle He had no habit. He got up in the middle of the night, he said, I contracted … He said, “ Let me have some air ” and left. So it called the appointed time.

Iso … He summoned it. Come on mom. Come on mommy! Come. Don’t touch it, Neriman. Let it go. I have reached this age, I haven’t seen it yet that stopped death. You cannot do it either. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Our fate was the same. What should we do? We arrived with two brothers and they passed away. What is your name?

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

– Sevket. Hee, Sevket brother. Now I’ll ask you a question, if I don’t like your answer … … I’ll take the gun from your waist and squeeze it on your head. Brother, I mean now … Sevket! Who sent you? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Sir Sevket, did you find Ramo? Come on, I found it. It means no. So where did this man go? No in the hospital, in the neighborhood or in the ground, Şevket.

Why did you ask where my son Ceyhan is, now, where is Ceyhan? Is it left for you? Ok come on, look at your job. Look at your job, Sevket, okay. Suleyman agha. My grandfather knows everything, Successor. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Tell me what happened. Ha. Good. Ramo is injured, I don’t know if he’s dead or not. Ismail is dead, quite a few of his men … See, Successor.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

If you hold a job with a hand man, it stays in your hands like this. But if we put stones in front of us, we will have to walk around Süleyman Ağa. Ramo deserved it, it paid off, life is right. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle He will no longer be able to wander around just because I would die Cengiz Bey. If he’s alive, of course. Anyone who hears it thinks Ramo killed your father. However, you never had a father.

It never happened. Because you’re a p * … Oh well. The man is looking … He will ask who is behind this business now. What can i say? I’ll say give my name but … … tip touches you too. That is it. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle You are my man after all. Hello? Unfortunately I got the news. OK. Where shall I come? Understood. Hulusi, you ready the car. You go inside too.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

We will talk about this when we return. Yavuz Bey. I’ve seen worse wounds too, don’t be afraid it won’t die. If I don’t ask one by one from those who do this, they shouldn’t call me Boz either. Shh calm calm. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Calm down. You already fulfilled your duty, you protected it. My brother, what is his brother? Okay, brotherhood, loyalty, these are good things.

But remember that we are doing business at the end of the day. We don’t have such a holy cause. What does this mean? I’m worried about Ramo. He wants to rule Adana. But his hostility towards other families is strange. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle How about he’s acting too personal? Like every young man in Adana, he wants to go to the top in Ramo.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

There is nothing strange about that. Nobody can rise without stepping on someone’s head. If we think like that, you are one of those lads. Are not you? Why don’t you get to the top? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle I’m an ordinary man, I don’t have such ambitions. I’ve seen so many ordinary men, I can tell at a glance. You are not one of them. Sir? How is Ramo?

Now I’m out of your side is fine. How are you? I thought myself strong but … … I’ve been crying like a child who has sat since the night. It hurts so much. Just try to sleep a little bit. I have tried but it does not profit. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle I don’t mind. This cannot be Ceyhan’s job. Neither his mind nor his intelligence. I noticed. I have that issue now.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

How did it happen, who is behind it, everything will emerge. Brother, there is something you need to see, you have to come. What the hell? – What the hell? What the hell? What happened, why are you looking like that? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Didn’t you want it to be like this? You are no longer just protecting, act accordingly. Alright. Where are we going, Miss Sibel?

To the bottom of hell. Bro. Brother! I’m fine, nothing. – What did they do to you brother? What are you up to my son, what are you up to? Are you gonna kill us? So where are you, what are you doing? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle What did my brother do? What happened to you? You see it, brother. You saw how they were looking at me. It’s all my fault.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

Okay, don’t think about them now. Let me take you to your bed. But it’s true it’s all my fault. I could not protect my uncle. I could not protect my family. Ok son, you can’t keep up with everyone, my dear. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle You can’t keep up with everything. You are flesh and bone like us. Don’t do that. Come on, lion brother. Fatoş, bring a cloth, let’s wrap your wounds.

My Fatoş. I couldn’t protect you either. I couldn’t protect it. Please forgive me. I know you’re angry with me, angry Do not say that, do not say my brother, will I ever be angry with you. May my brother be sacrificed for you. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Arise my Fatoş. Run, get a cloth. Okay, my heart is okay. – My brother … Come on my brother, enter my arm. My brother, I’m done.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

– Your brother will be a victim to you. Okay, get up, let me take you to bed. Fatoş what is your situation, baby? You will burn. Thing… I need water for my brother. I need a diaper, the wound is bleeding. Ok baby okay. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Let me take it okay? Everyone should know that we will have our funerals tomorrow morning. Our only comfort is that they will all sleep well in their graves.

Because we did not put their blood on the ground. The dishonest people who did this were punished. Is Ceyhan dead? He died. Who is this? Wow. Thank you. Sir Neslihan. Successor. – He? Why are you still not coming? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle My father said to be at home. So you say come to your death with your own feet. Good Neslihan, good. No, there is no such thing.

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle


I spoke, I promised. He said he will not die. Come on. Successor. I am coming. Suleyman Aga. Give me your weapon, Successor. Successor, if I wanted to kill you, you were already dead. How will I know you won’t kill now? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Oh you don’t know that. Come on, get in that car. My Sultan. My Sultan, I love your eyes. Sit dizzy. And I can’t believe you, Neco.


How are you so comfortable? Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle Halef is in trouble. Moreover, because of us. What would happen mom? Ultimately we failed. Is not it? Would he throw us in front of Istanbul? You don’t know your grandfather that much. Okay, maybe he won’t throw it in front of Istanbul. But he finds a place to throw. What’s going on again mom?

Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle

Let me tell you what happened to you, my sister, come. For example, if you hadn’t stopped opening that tunnel. Or let me just say this. If you had pierced that knife deeper, everything would have been completely different. Are you telling me that? You confessed everything to my grandfather. – I did. Well done. So what happened? He didn’t even move. Ramo Episode 6 With Urdu Subtitle He didn’t even say anything, he waited.

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