Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo

Where are you Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Ramo? Disaster! Hasan! Ramo! Where are you Ramo? Sibel! Sibel! Sibel! Leaving… Sibel! Sibel! No! Ambulance! Ambulance! Sibel … Ambulance! Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! Sibel. Sibel. No. God … God no. God no. Do not be real.

Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo
Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo

Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle

No Sibel! Sibel! Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Call an ambulance! No God. God … Disaster! Is disaster good, Hasan? Is the disaster okay? Children! How are you guys? Children! Hold on, my brother. Majesty. Come on, my lion. Stylish! Arab. Remove it. Run. Run. Slow. My disaster. Slow. Let’s.

Frost. Frost. Frost. Sibel! Sibel! Ramo. Ramo Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Sibel my daughter! Sibel! Sibel! My daughter Sibel! – Sibel! – Come on mama. Come! – Disaster! – OK mama. Come. Hold on, my rose. Hang on. If anything happens to you, I won’t even have to die. Honey. Hang on. Hang on. Hold on for me.

Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle

Hold on for us. What would you be … My god! Ramo Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo – Are you going to say something, Disaster? – Hasan. – My disaster. – Hasan. My disaster. Please don’t tell the kids. – They shouldn’t know. – Don’t tire yourself. Don’t tire yourself, my Disaster. OK. You don’t tire yourself. Do not worry.

You will be fine, sweetheart. Don’t tire yourself. God Ramo Episode 22 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo help me. God help me. End this nightmare. God help me. Son. Calm down. You have nothing important. You will get better. Little is left. Adopt less often. Isn’t she doing well, nurse lady? You’re fine son. Do not. Calm brother. Do not.

Oh really. Do you have more brothers? How much is Ramo Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo there? Who are they? Who? Fesuphanallah. OK. OK, I’m brave. Calm down. Calm down. God … my God! How about folks? Hold on my heart. Hold on my breath. Hang on. Please wait. If something happens to you, I … I would not have to die.

What would you be? His heart stopped. Quickly prepar Ramo Episode 7 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo e the defibrillator. Save him! Save! Ready. No. No. Save him! Ready. Increase. Ready. – Come on, Sibel. Do not give up. – The patient is not responding. Increase. Do not give up, my rose! Hang on, my rose! He returned to life. God is that … My god.

Thank goodness. Will not survive? He lost a lot of blood. Need blood urgently. – What’s your blood type? – AB Rh Negative. I hope there is. Honey. Quickly! Walk. Ramo Episode 18 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Walk. Walk. – Let’s! – Quick! Come on brother. Come on brother. Come on, brother. Quickly. Quickly. My disaster.

Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo

Calm down. Quickly! Come on brother. Come on brother. Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Come on, brother. Quickly. Quickly. My disaster. Calm down. – My calm mother. Do not. – Prepare the operating rooms! Let’s. Quickly. You cannot enter. My brother. You will be fine. You will be fine. OK. OK. Where is Cevdet?

Thank you brother. Gentleman. You must find blood imm Ramo Episode 30 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo ediately. Gentleman. You must find blood immediately. I’m telling you, sir. You must find blood very urgently. Look. The bride’s condition is dire. Blood type AB Negative. Only one out of a thousand people have this blood type.

Notify almost everywhere. We have no time. If you can’t Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo find this blood within two hours … … we lose the patient. OK. OK. I will find. We need AB Negative blood. Urgent. You are a sister. Your blood I … I’m so sorry. Brother. You stay here. You stay here. If anything happens, you let us know.

Okay, garda. Okay, garda. Can you tell what happened? Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo I have officer friends. Is he alright Is everyone okay? I’m going to the blood center. There were blood brokers there. I’ll go to the subway too. Maybe I’ll find it there. I gave news to the serdengeçts. I’m going to the neighborhood.

– OK. Whoever finds it, inform it immediately. – Thank you. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Brother. Car. The danger continues. Whoever dishonest who does this will try again. – Get reinforcements from the neighborhood. Immediately! – Okey brother. Ramo! Who did this. Do you know? Sibel needs blood urgently.

AB Rh Negative. Let’s think. Let everyone you know. We have two hours. You must be kidding. – What happened boss? – I know who has the blood he’s looking for. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo – But why didn’t you tell me? – That’s not the job. Buffer. We stopped the bleeding, but the patient’s vitals are weakening.

If the blood supply does not come, we will lose the patient. Köksal dad. I spoke duly to the police. They would take your statements too. I said I don’t know who did Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo this. We don’t know. We don’t know, but … Of course we will know. Whoever that person will regret he was born.

Is he an Arab? Nurse lady. How is the Arab? Well so how is the patient? He dodged the danger. It will be good. – Thanks God. Thanks God. – Thank god. – Thank god. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo- Come on, brother. Let’s. Come on, your eyes are clear. Thanks dad. Mama You sit down. Come on mommy.

Ramo asked you to stay here tonight. Thanks. Korkut may want to hurt you for helping us. You are safe here. This place is always protected. Be comfortable. Thank you. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo What the hell are you doing? No, flea? As if you were delighted. Look at the view, brother. There is no five-star hotel.

Next to sea shore. Also hot. We don’t have to worry about going hungry either. Ramo doesn’t give up on being good right? If there is only one thing to be given up; Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo He is also evil Flea. Like me when my path crosses with you. Be comfortable. Okay? Thank you brother. Look…

… when man discovers the good in his heart … … will never break with him again. Don’t be so negative. Send some positive energy like this. People send it to the Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo universe like this. Send it from that positive too. He? We said look positive. Ramo is looking. Did you see? These are all energy here, Flea.

Yes bro? Cabbar. We need blood urgently. AB Negative. Sibel’s life depends on it. Gosh. I have A Positive man. Shht. Do you have any blood AB Negative? Brother. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo I don’t know my blood type. Mine’s B is holding, brother. Shall we? Brother. I will look and investigate. Okay?

It is very urgent. If there is any improvement, let me know immediately. Thank you. Let’s. We are going. What the hell is going on with you? Let’s go, let’s measure Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo our blood, brother. Nothing positive flows through these veins. – What if it holds? – Don’t repent. Son.

If your blood holds, your age won’t match. Hold this, let me love your eyes. OK? I will look and come. You wait here. OK? [Thriller Music] Ramo! Ramo! Ramo! Look bro. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Money is not a problem. – Just find the blood I’m looking for. – I’ll find it, but I’ll get your 10 thousand lira. Inevitable.

The blood you’re looking for is the black market. That is what everyone has. Not from the fountains. Look now. Find it. I will give another 20 thousand. Thank you brother. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Let’s. Fly now. Three! Call me when you find it! Right now my brother. Is there any improvement Doğan?

They are making announcements here, uncle. I’ve been waiting for a while. Heh. Hawk. Hawk. Brother. How is the patient, is he well? Get well soon. Either my lady Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo is also in surgery. Disaster. How is his condition? His surgery continues. So. So it’s good. Is not it? Is that good?

I can’t say anything, sir. You will wait. Thank god. Thank god. Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Are you Sibel’s brother? Uh huh. Why don’t you love your sister? How is that so beautiful? Does that happen? You never cried. Would I not cry? I cried so much. I’m dry inside. I have no tears left to flow.

Sometimes you experience such things … … your emotions, Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo feelings, everything disappears. It thickens deep. You can no longer feel the pain. Just like that. My lamb. OK mommy. OK. Disaster is powerful. He is strong, son. It is strong. Do not worry. It will hold. I released news, but I can’t wait.

I’m going to another blood center. What’s the last situation Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo with you? Not good. We made all Serdengeçti ask. One of them caught, but he was also using antibiotics. We have an hour left. We have to find the East. There is a caller. Maybe it’s about blood. Sir?




You are looking for AB Negative blood bro. Is it correct? Ramo Episode 34 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Yes. Your eye is bright. The blood you were looking for was found. Thank you bro. Can you come over now? I can not come. My feet do not hold me. I am alone at home too.

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