Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo

Hawk! So you Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo have to come and get me. Of course. What it means. You’re at. I am coming right now. Oh by the way. I heard you are paying well. Money is not a problem. You at the location. I am coming right now. My god. Thank you. My disaster. Disaster. My daughter.

Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo
Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo

Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle

Thank you to my Lord, who Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo gave you to us. Disaster. You are very good. I saw you well. Are you okay, I’m Disaster? – Hasan. – Huh girl? I am fine. I have nothing. – Sibel … – Sibel … How is Sibel? He is also good Disaster. He’s fine too. Do not worry. He’s also very good. – Mommy. I am coming.

– Let’s. – I’m waiting. Come on, Hasan. Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo OK. Don’t leave him. Get well soon Hasan. Come on, Sibel. Come on girl. Come on, Sibel. [Thriller Music] Ramo. Did you sleep well my rose? Soundless. I’m going to make you a great breakfast right now. This time the börek will not be stale either.

Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle

You came out a spite. Ramo? Ramo? Mom! Ramo? Ramo? Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Ramo? He won’t be able to take any more. Still no news? [Thriller Music] The patient is in shock. I’m in the hall. Do you have a car? Yes there is. Let’s hurry. Time is too short. Who told you I was looking for blood? Abuzit you!

What the hell? He brother? Brother. They are still after us. Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo They set me up on the pretext of finding blood. Who are these brothers? Who are they? I don’t know, brother. Be careful. They can also come to the hospital. Thank you. Thank you. How is everyone My disaster. Majesty. Arab.

Hawk… All good. They came out of surgery. So they are good. What about Sibel? He’s not good bro. Not good at all. You have to find that blood as soon as possible,Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo brother. I understand. My disaster. – Hasan. – My disaster. So what? Was the danger still? No, sweetheart. It’s done. It’s all over.

Passed. Do not worry. Just look at your rest. Get some more sleep. I’ll go to the nurse. I’ll call. It would change your serum. Okay sweetheart My dear. Let’s. Let me Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo see. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. My god. Help me. My god. Help me. Gardals. The danger has not passed yet.

Let me be a victim, keep your eyes peeled. Don’t worry, Hasan. Support comes from the neighborhood. Our kids can get in here now. Thank you, Friend. Let’s. Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo This place is entrusted to you. – Thank you. – Let me see you. What have you done, Ramo. Did you find blood? I couldnt find it.

I will go crazy. I have very little time left. Did you find it Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo or since you’re looking for me? Sorry. So what shall we say … Let’s say the irony of fate. He? Is it a quirk of fate. What does that mean? It means: Nehir’s and Sibel’s blood type is the same. Did you say a river?

Yes, but after what happened, it doesn’t even turn my phones on. I am going to her now. I don’t think so, but let’s try it. I’m going to him right now. Ramo. Do not Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo. Do not. I have to Mazhar. I have less than an hour left. Ramo. He doesn’t talk to you. Leave. Let me try. Come on, speed up.

Speed ​​up. Speed ​​up! You said, at least, you’re relieved, boss. It didn’t stay inside. What do you not say … River. My god. What kind of a test is this? What kind of a Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo test is this? Who lives now? Who died? Is there any news? Ramo is alive. For now. His wife is in intensive care.

His condition was critical. There are those who died of their Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo men. They are also injured from his family. What if all this doomsday broke out in vain? So much blood has been spilled in vain? Both of them are alive so? No blood flows in vain. You injured your enemy.

Buying them now humanist mafia. Buying. OK Scare. OK. Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Close it. If anything happens, you let me know. Okay? Mrs. Nehir. Ramo is here. He said your uncle had news. Don’t let it in. Get away. – You can’t go in. – Don’t waste my time. I said you can’t enter. Did not you hear it?

What are you doing here? I came to beg you. Sibel is on Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo her deathbed. I need to find blood, but I can’t find it anywhere. Very rare blood. AB Negative. My blood type. Are you out of your mind, Ramo. What? Did you really think I’d give my blood to my mother’s killer? Get out of my house.

Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo

Immediately! Look… You brought this here, right? You both Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo [ _ ] off. Look … Sibel didn’t kill your mother. Nadya did it. Mazhar Listen to that recording. [Thriller Music] I killed Cihangir’s wife, but Cihangir also died. If they understand what I did, it’s all over. I have to return to Russia urgently.

You heard it. The phone conversation he had with his sister. Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo He confesses to murder. I punished. River. Your mother was my sister. My sister. If Sibel did it, would I ever let her ask you for such a thing? Who wants it? What? My father’s killer? If I didn’t kill him, he would kill Sibel.

Sibel is already dying, Ramo. Sibel is already dying. You will not be able to save. You won’t be able to. – You can’t be so unscrupulous. – You were! It was you! You Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo killed my father right before my eyes. He also killed my father before my eyes. I was only ten years old. Do you know how he did it?

By throwing it into the threshing machine. He killed my father by smashing it with hundreds of knives. And for only 20 liras. Because he wanted a daily wage of 20 Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo lira, which he and his friends were entitled to. Your father was such a murderer. You cannot be like him. You shouldn’t be.

You took life for your life. It’s done. Is that so? So what will my blood pay off, Ramo? Whatever you want. What i want If my blood will save Sibel … … then the reward Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo for my blood is your life. [Thriller Music] What are you talking about, Nehir? Every person does as much evil as he can with his breath.

There is no difference between the two of us, Ramo. I learned cruelty from you. And you Mazhar! Do not doubt that I will do this job as well as you do. – The river. Look, Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo there are things you don’t know … – There is no other way! The reward for my blood is your life. If you accept…

… I consider giving my blood to that one and only Sibel. I agree. I promise you my honor, my honor and everything. Just save Sibel. You are the guarantee of this promise, Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo the new King of Istanbul. You will fulfill the judgment. Because this world is now narrow for both of us with Ramo.

River. Look, this is not possible. [ _ ]. Mazhar Admit it. We run out of time! Well! Well! This is what I call the deal. You will give your life to me immediately after I give my blood Ramo Episode 33 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo to Sibel. Not now. 48 hours later. First I need to find who did this to my family. I will destroy the enemy after us.

Then whatever you want to me. You waited that long. I hope you don’t mind waiting another 48 hours. 24 hours. It won’t be a single minute. Accept. Accept. I promise. Let’s. Ramo Episode 16 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Quickly. There is no time left. Let’s. The lively, cheerful princess of her uncle. So what happened to you?

I really don’t know you. Don’t be so surprised. I recourse to my original like every living creature. [Thriller Music] Let’s. Let’s! God damn it! [Music] We are losing the patient. Ramo Episode 25 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Have you found blood yet? Still can’t find the blood? We are losing the patient. – We found the blood.

– Let’s go now. Quickly! I kept my promise, Ramo. Now it’s your Ramo Episode 35 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo turn. He survived, isn’t it, doctor? We were trained. Survived? It’s too early to say anything yet. We will wait. [Thriller Music] My daughter. My beautiful daughter. God bless you. You gave life to my Sibel …

… from now on you’re my daughter too. May my Lord give Ramo Episode 8 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo whatever you want. I don’t think so, aunt. Watch what you pray for. 23 hours left. Get him to my feet. – Look at the river. Died me … – Make him keep his word. If you are the king of Istanbul, do this.

I’ll be with you in 23 hours. Do not worry. I’m not curious anyway. And this is out of me now. Isn’t it uncle? River. Is this real that I see? Did he really give his blood? Ramo Episode 5 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Who convinced this girl? Not me. Mazhar persuaded. Thank you Mazhar. – Honey. – Ramo. Honey.

Tell me, my rose. I thought you went. Where will I go, my rose? I’m here I’m with you. Thank goodness you’re fine. – My mother? – My mom’s fine. Everybody is fine.Ramo Episode 4 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo You always scared us. Ramo. We were together in my dreams again in the snow. But you were gone.

I was very scared. Where will I go, my rose? Where am I going to leave you? Let’s. Get rest. Let’s. Relax. My dear. Come on, my lamb. Let’s. Brother. Since you laughed like that … Wow dear. My lung is mine. Thank goodness brother. Good. He came to himself. Ramo Episode 10 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Thank goodness.

My lion Oh my aunt. Ramo. We will go to a neighborhood. To see Cevdet’s funeral. They were going to be buried in his hometown. We called to our wedding. Ramo Episode 12 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo We are sending his body. Is that so? I will come with you. Born. I’m here. Do not worry.





– If Sibel comes to her, let me know. – Thank you. Ramo Episode 15 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo For the love of god. Tell me again. Now you… … you gave blood to the girl you shot and saved your life …

… because Ramo promised you. He will come in the evening and shoot himself. Is that so? What if you stop that ridiculous laughter now? Girl are you naive? Ramo Episode 3 With Urdu Subtitle Free Of Cost By PakUrdo Who do we work with? I’m scared. Don’t think everybody is slick like yourself.

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