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Let’s see what Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download the big problem? You will say that, Ramo. Sibel? Sibel. What are you doing here? I want to learn exactly that. What is your wife doing in my house? How so? Sibel came here herself? Exactly. My men caught them watching the house. Sibel.

Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download
Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download

Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last

What’s going on my rose? Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download As I told you before, I must have messed up the address. You don’t expect me to believe such a coincidence. Love, Power. What kind of attitude is this? I invited Ms. Sibel. Did you invite? Yes. We met him at our association’s charity dinner.

Buy one of the antique vases in the house Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download for the auction. … I told him I wanted to forgive. Thank you, too. He took time. It has come this far. But I am looking, it is being questioned, unfortunately. I apologize on behalf of my wife, Ms. Sibel. You’re welcome. So why didn’t you tell me that you came to Cahide?

Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last

When faced with such an attitude, I thought Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download I was at the wrong address. I did not know that Cahide Hanım was your wife. What is written in the notebook? The mother of the East is definitely an old Serdengeçti. Didn’t Köksal father know either? I am completely confused. Who is the gentleman?

My wife is Ramo. I think our spouses also met, Mrs. Cahide. Is that so? What a pleasant coincidence. The vase I want to show you is upstairs. Let’s see if Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download you want. – I would love to. – Come on, please. What is happening. I did not understand anything. Me too. Yes. The vase I told you about is here.

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It is a very rare piece. Silly. Is it up to you to go after this? The deceased mother of the East is Şermin. With your name after your resurrection Cahide Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download Aslım. Tell me. Why did you help me? Is it help? You don’t even care. Is there anything missing in money? An insignificant amount.

I got it done. Tomorrow I will hand it myself over to Silahtar. Beautiful. If everything is settled … You were telling something about these Serdengeçti. Tell me. The East will Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download never know of my existence. I mean, if the East didn’t know that he had a mother like you it would be much better for him.

But unlike you, I don’t think I have the right to hide such a truth from him. Stay away from this job. You have no idea where it might end. So let’s settle the other issue first. Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download Leave Doğan and Şahin now. Watch your manners, little lady. I said immediately.

Or if you want, let’s go downstairs and talk about them with your husband. You know. Let go. Let them go. There is someone that I suspect is serdengeçti. Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download Is he in a prominent position? My guess is that way. Why didn’t you take it in? To get more. Not just someone. I’m trying to reach all of them.

Beautiful. Sheriff on one side. You on the one hand. I do not understand. He took Şerif Sarraf. Lay. Lay. Lay. Lay. Tell Ramo. Death is very close to him. Death Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download is close to you. Ramo. What did you mean, Sarraf? What did you mean? Your men have been left. Not my men. My family.

But it seems unlikely for you to understand this anyway. You used to be Serdengeçti. Is that so? How do you know the Serdengeçti? My wife, Ramo, is their number Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download one enemy. He killed Sarraf. Doesn’t your husband tell you about these? Why did you sell them? Why did you switch sides?

No more questions, curious girl. We will not meet again. This topic will be closed here. Extension. Son. East… … will never know of my existence. If … … I’ll ruin you all. So… Your whole family. Where do they keep Sarraf? What that Sarraf killer. Do you want to kill him too? No. No.

I want to talk. To verify my intelligence. Sir? You got Sarraf. He. I bought it. I bought it. Where are you? Why do you ask? I’m going to get him talking to solve their Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download system. He can’t talk. Reason? He can’t talk because he’s dead. What? More precisely, he killed himself in order not to speak.





He also left a message for you on his way. What message? Not on the phone. Come to the junkyard. Come on I’m waiting. Death… It is very close to Ramo. What Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download is he saying? Did he talk? Moneychanger… … killed himself. What? God damn it. Why are you hiding the East from the Captain?

A man like that can’t be unaware that you don’t have a son. Let’s. Go now. Go. Didn’t you forget something? You are really generous, Mrs. Cahide. Thanks to you, Ramo Episode Episode 40 Last Free Download our children longing for their mother’s love We will be able to make you smile a little bit. Of course. Of course. Sibel. Shall we go now? Let’s not open up too much. Of course.

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